Chapter 20

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Tyler's POV

"It was a lovely evening and it was a night of celebrating", Mum said smiling at us as we all stood in the parking lot ready to leave.

"Mum, Peter and I won't be around much these next few days, Peter has always wanted to go diving and water skiing so we'll be going for that", James said hugging Mum.

"It's no problem son. It was nice having a family dinner after so long", Dad said hugging them as they turned to leave.

They waved at us before they walked off to their car.

"We're going to be spending time in the town, exploring. My smart boyfriend insists on visiting the historical sites around here", Chris said nudging his boyfriend playfully.

Ben rolled his eyes before hugging Mum and saying goodnight to Dad. They too turned to leave and walked off to their car.

"I suppose you're ditching us too?", Mum said teasingly as she raised an eyebrow.

"Is it bad if I said yes?", Master asked holding up his hands in surrender.

"I guess because you're newly engaged I can let you off the hook", Mum teased him.

"I'm taking Tyler sight seeing. He's never been here before so I figured I can show him around", Master said wrapping his arm around me. I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"We'll see you soon son. Do spend a night with us, call your brothers too",Dad said hugging us good night.

"Don't do naughty things", Allison said winking at us. She hugged us too.

"Who us? We're innocent", I said smiling innocently at her.

"Innocent my ass", She said laughing.

We waved her goodnight as she got into the car with Mum and Dad.

"Come on babe. We've got innocent things to do", Master said turning to look at me. His eyes held lust as he dropped his gaze to my lips.

"Ofcourse Daddy", I purred as I licked my bottom lip.

"God baby that word excites me.  Like when you called me Master for the first time",Master groaned as he pulled me flush against his chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I groaned when he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I sucked his tongue in between my lips before we pulled apart for air.

"I want you so badly baby", Master said tracing his lips across my cheek and down my neck. I moaned softly and tilted my neck to give him better access.

He pulled back and took my hands in his. He gently pulled me in the direction of the car and I just followed him. I was so horny for him and the vibrator inside of me wasn't helping.

He unlocked the car and opened the door for me. I slid in and he closed the door. I put my seatbelt on and watched him walk around the car and get in.

He turned the car on and reversed out of the parking lot. We stopped at a robot when Master turned to smirk at me as he pulled out the remote.

I was dreading it yet I wanted it. I bit my lip when Master switched it on, low at first then gradually increasing the speed.

I was a moaning mess as Master drove home. He made me unzip my trousers and slip my lace shorts down my legs. He drove with one hand as he stroked me slowly with the other. It was agonizing, the vibrator was turned on to the highest speed and Master was stroking me so slowly.

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