Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to hetaliarules456

Marco's POV

What have I done? I let him go, how could I have been so stupid to do such a thing?

But I was terrified, that was the reason I let him go. I was so damn terrified I didn't know what to do.

But God when he said he loved me I wanted to say it back, I wanted to scream out in joy that he loved me, because I loved him too. But my mind shut down and instead I told him we were over.

I drowned the bottle of whiskey I had in my hand and winced when it burned the back of my throat.

It's been 4 days since we broke up and I haven't done anything besides drink till I passed out only to wake up and do it all over again.

I am confused and still scared. After that fateful day I swore never to let anyone in, I wouldn't be able to save myself a second time. But loosing Tyler, my beautiful angel is killing me.

What if I do take this chance and be with him? Will he still love me? Would he still want to be with me after I told him we were over.

The door banged open and someone opened the curtains, I flinched at the bright light after days of being in darkness.

"What happened bro? You haven't left the house in days and the boys say you called in sick yet here you are drinking all the whiskey you have in the house", My brother, Christopher said and pulled the whiskey bottle out of my hand.

"Ugh, stop screaming. Fuck I've got a throbbing headache", I groaned and clutched my head.

"Well that's what happens when you drink for days. Come on let's get you in the shower, you reek of vomit and god knows what else", He said lifting me out of the bed and half carrying half dragging me to the bathroom.

I just kept my mouth shut and let him wash me up. I'm so pathetic, letting my younger brother see me like this. I'm suppose to be the one that looked after him.

He washed my body and hair before he dried me off and let me go to the toilet alone. I brushed my teeth and took two Panado's.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and Chris was busy changing the sheets and making the bed.

I walked over to my cupboard and pulled on a pair of underwear, sweatpants and a shirt. I threw the towel in the laundry and came back to sat on the couch, waiting for Chris and the lecture I'm sure going to get.

"What happened Co? You scared the shit out of me when Mum said you haven't been answering her calls. I went down to the station only to hear you called in sick a few days ago. Last time you did this, was when...", Chris said but I cut him off before he could finish that sentence. It still hurt to think about him. He was my first love.

Chris called me Co, because when he was a baby he couldn't pronounce my name, all he could say was Co and the name stuck.

"I'm sorry. God I fucked up so badly", I said dropping my head in my hands.

"I met someone. He was so different from anyone I met before and he wanted to be a sub. I was attracted to him from the moment I saw him so I offered to train him. He was my boyfriend as well. I fell for him Chris. I fell so hard and by the time I realised it, it was too late.

He told me he loved me and I panicked. I dropped him off and told him we were done. That I didn't want that. But I love him Chris, I'm so in love with him, he's so different from D-dylan but what I felt for Dylan is nothing compared to what I feel for Tyler", I admitted and just leaned into his touch when he hugged me.

"I'm guessing he doesn't know, this Tyler. Tell him bro, if he loves you he'll save you. You shouldn't be afraid to love again and close yourself off to that feeling. You said you feel more for him than Dylan so there is your answer. You were younger when you were with Dylan but now you're older. More mature and stronger.

You haven't told us about him and honestly I can see why. I'm sure you felt if you kept him hidden it would mask how you felt towards him. But love is love bro and it has a way of healing out wounds.

I say you go and get him. Tell him about Dylan and how you feel, tell him why you did what you did. Relationships fail because of no communication and you of all people shouldn't be doing that. Isn't it part of the lifestyle? Absolute honesty?

Don't wait because if you do, you might end up loosing the one person that could set you free and allow you to move on. We've all realised after Dylan you changed but we didn't say anything because you were grieving and we didn't want to interfere but Tyler can change all of that", He said rubbing my arms in a soothing motion.

Chris is very mature despite him being younger than me by 3 years. We were always very close and told each other everything.

"What if I lost him already?", I asked fearfully. What if he didn't want to be with me after my hurtful words?

"Don't think like that. Be positive. Get some rest and when you feel refreshed go and talk to him", He said and hugged me once more before he walked over to the windows and closed the curtains.

I felt tired, I haven't slept properly in days and now I couldn't wait to get my love back.

"Thanks Chris. I love you", I said to him when I got into bed.

"You're welcome bro. Make sure you bring him for dinner, we all want to meet him. I love you too", He said and closed the door as he walked out.

I closed my eyes and I was lost to the world.

Nine hours later I was well rested, showered and on my way to meet my baby.

I walked into the bakery but I didn't see him anywhere.

"Hi, Susan. Where is Tyler?", I asked her, walking up to the counter.

"He isn't here Sir, he left a couple of days ago", She said and I felt my heart sink.

"Left for where?", I asked hopefully I can reach him in a few hours.

"He went to see his friends, James and Peter", She said.

"Do you know where they live?", I asked. Shit, I don't have James' number and I have a feeling Tyler wouldn't speak to me and tell me where he is over the phone.

"I'm sorry, but why do you need to know?", She asked suspiciously.

"He's my boyfriend and I messed up. I'm going to get him back", I replied honestly.

"I'm glad you're trying to patch things up. Here is the number he told me to reach him in case of an emergency", She said handing me a piece of paper with a number written on it.

"Thank you so much", I said gratefully.

"You're welcome", She said smiling.

I quickly walked out of the shop and jumped into the car. I dialed the number and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello", James greeted.

"Hello, It's Marco", I said.

"I know who it is. Why are you calling?", He asked his voice turning cold.

"I messed up. I want to apologize and talk to Tyler", I said and held my breath. He can either help me or tell me to go to hell.

"I love Tyler like a brother and I know you are good for him. I'll text you our address", He said cutting the call.

I just stared shocked at my phone when it pinged with a message from James.

The drive was going to take me 6 hours but no distance is too far when it comes to my baby.

I'm coming angel,hold on for me. Don't give up on me yet.

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