Chapter 13

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Three updates in three days. I'm on a roll 😂😂😂. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Tyler's POV

"Ty you have to eat something, you haven't eaten properly since you got here", Peter said pulling the covers off my body from where I lay in the bed.

"I'm not hungry", I mumbled and tried to pull the covers back over me.

"Too bad. You're going to eat all this food on this plate otherwise I'm going to have Master hold you down while I shove it down your throat", He smiled at me creepily.

I was honestly scared. When Peter said he was going to do something he did it. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"Fine jeez chill your ass", I mumbled and picked up the plate piled high with pancakes and dripping in golden syrup.

I picked at the food because I didn't really have an appetite, I've been sleepy but I didn't get rest and I just wanted to drown in my own misery and lock myself away from the world. But Peter and James wouldn't let me.
"Eat up. I'm going to be back in 10 minutes and that plate better be clean", He said getting up from the bed amd walking out of the room.

My stomach growled and I shocked myself because I ate all the pancakes that was on the plate. I guess I was hungrier than I thought.

I placed the plate on the nightstand and got up. I was craving a hot shower.

I grabbed a pair of clean underwear, some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. I walked into the bathroom, stripped and jumped into the shower. I switched on the taps and groaned at the feel of the hot water as it helped sooth my aching body.

I haven't slept much lately but then again I haven't done anything lately. I haven't eaten, slept, talked much. My mind was full of memories and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking about him which was pathetic. We were over. I have to move on, accept the fact that he is never coming back.

The water was starting to turn cold so I got out of the shower. I put deodorant on and pulled on my clothes.

I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel when I stopped short. The last person I expected to see was sitting on the made bed.

"Marco", I whispered out as I looked at him shocked. Then it turned to rage. How dare he? Who the hell does he think he is? I've been embarrassed enough.

"What are you doing here", I almost shouted, but the rage passed.

"I messed up okay, please before you throw me out, listen to what I have to say. Please", He begged, something in his tone convinced me and I found myself nodding.

He stayed seated on the bed while I walked over to the couch by the window and sat down. I clutched at the towel in my hand like a life line.

"I learned about the BDSM lifestyle in my final year of high school. I was interested and researched about it. I discovered a club and started my training there the year I was done with high school", He said looking down at his hands.

"Why are you telling me this? I don't need to know", I started out but he cut me off.

"Please, just...just listen", He said looking up at me and his eyes held so much pain I gasped.

"That was where I met Dylan. He was...he was like a breath of fresh air. The first time I saw him I was speechless, I spoke to him that same night and I made a complete fool of myself. I was stuttering and I didn't have a clue as to what to say", He said chuckling, his eyes sparkling as he smiled and thought of this Dylan.

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