Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to XiuminWifey15

Tyler's collar^^. Marco's name is across the middle.

Tyler's POV

"Are you ready baby?", Master called out from downstairs.

"Yes. I'm so excited", I said happily my voice unable to contain my excitement. I was a bit nervous too but I was more exited.

"I know love. You haven't stopped talking about this since I asked you", Master said walking into the room chuckling.

I pouted at him and when he opened his arms to wrap them around me I dropped my suitcase in them intead.I giggled at his raised eyebrow.

"I wanted to hold you not luggage", He said sighing and walking out of the room with the bag.

The last few months have been amazing, incredible and erotically hot. I never thought I could be so happy but I am. Everyday feels like heaven and I fall even more in love, if that's possible.

Master and I are going to a resort! I'm so excited but I'm kind of nervous. I'll be meeting Master's family and I mean like all of them. He has an older sister and I've met Chris already but I'm worried they won't like me.

James and Peter are tagging along too because they're my family and Peter's family will never see him again and James didn't know who his father was and his mother died when he was 17. We all don't have parents but we have each other and that's more than enough.

"Come on baby. I think you've packed enough. You'll be naked all the time with me anyways", Master said chuckling as he walked into the room.

"Master! I still have to look good. I have to make an impression", I said turning around to scan the room and make sure I didn't forget anything.

"Baby they're going to love you. You're amazing",Master said wrapping his arms around me from behind and nuzzling my neck.

"Hmmm, I sure hope so", I whispered turning my neck to give him better access.

"I wish we had time to play but we'll be late then. Baby I'm going to tongue that sweet rosette of yours and f*ck you till you can't do anything but scream my name", Master said grinding his hardening c*ck against my ass.

I bit my lip and moaned at the image. Now I couldn't wait.

"Why wait?", I said turning around and jumping up so my legs were around his waist.

"We can be late", I said taking his lips in a hot heated kiss.

We broke apart breathless for air and Master's eyes were blown wide. You couldn't see the colour of his iris anymore.

"Master you make me ache", I whispered running my tounge across his bottom lip.

Our lips met again and Master stuck his tongue in my mouth. I sucked his tongue like I wanted to suck another part of him, something bigger and more harder.

The sound of a phone ringing broke the moment. I groaned in annoyance, can a man not get f*cked around here?

Master chuckled at my groan and picked up his cellphone with me still in his arms.

He spoke with the person on the other end and I wanted to be naughty but that would get my ass spanked and not in the good way.

"That was Chris. He said I should stop groping you and hit the road", He said chuckling and I laughed too. He knew Master well.

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