Chapter 4

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I dedicate this chapter to madamebutterfly00 because you inspired me. And it's been a while since someone did.


Tyler's POV

"It's okay if you don't want to be trained by me. We barely know each other", He said in a hurry. I must've taken to long to answer him and he probably assumes I'll reject his offer.

"No, no. I'd like you to train me. But will I be your boy or...", I asked blushing as I left the question hanging.

"For the duration that I train you yes you will be my boy. If we have a longer relationship that will be because we want to. Now tomorrow I would like to start your training. Meet me at my house at exactly 6. I know you close shop at around 5. That gives you plenty of time to eat, shower and do whatever else you do", He stopped talking as his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Duty calls baby. Remember tomorrow. I'll text you my address. Lunch was delicious by the way", He said as he got up and dropped a few bills on the table. He brushed his lips against my cheek and ran for the door.

My eyes followed him and I slowly raised my hand to my cheek. God he's my Master!

I smiled a giddy smile and got up and dusted myself off. The restaurant wasn't very far from my shop so I decided to walk.

Ten minutes later I walked inside and just then the phone ring and Sarah called for me. I quickly rushed to the phone.

"Hello", I said into the phone and grabbed my notepad and pen ready to take an order. I hope it isn't some idiot calling in to place an order for the next day or even a few hours from now because he forgot to place an order earlier. Trust me it's happened a few times.

"Hi Tyler. Could you I don't know come let us out of your apartment?", He said chuckling.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry Peter! I was in a hurry and I locked the door completely forgetting you were inside", I said groaning. How could I forget my best friend was living with me?

"That's perfectly okay. We got to play and Master wore me out. I love that man", He said in a love sick tone.

"Dude way to much information", I said laughing. I don't need to know what they did. I remember a while back I went to Peter's house unannounced and I opened the door to find James f*ucking Peter on the table and Peter moaning so loud I'm sure the neighbours knew what they were up to. I left there so quickly my face a furious red. I learnt my lesson to always call Peter if I'm going to visit him.

"Oh you're just jealous. Master I'm on the phone", I heard him moan and I slammed that phone down.

I think they'll be busy for a little while. They can stay locked up. I ain't going up there now. Lord knows what I'll see.

I looked at the clock and saw it was only 1:30. I wanted time to go faster so I can be with my new Master.

The next day. Tyler is at Marco's house.

I knocked on the door and tried not to let my nerves get the better of me.

The door swung open and Master stood there in all his Dom glory. His leathers hung low on his hips showcasing that sinful V-line that led to a well endowed cock. His chest was bare leaving those delicious muscles open for me to feast my eyes upon. I raised my eyes to look at him but I couldn't handle looking into those eyes that simmered with so much power so I dropped my eyes to his chest.

"Come in pet. Would you like something to drink?", Master asked me as I walked in and he closed the door behind me.

"N-No I'm fine. Thank you", I stammered from nerves. Why was I like this? I knew the man dammit.

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