Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to StarmyuDragon

Tyler's POV

I woke up with a pounding head, puffy and swore eyes. I blinked in confusion when the events of the previous day came back to me.

I felt my heart hurt at how Mas-  Marco could do that to me. To us. He just dropped me off and to put it simply his attitude was thanks but no thanks. I felt like crying all over again.

I didn't want to be here. Marco and I sometimes spent time in my home and I cooked for him, we slept in this bed and made memories in this house. I didn't want to be in a place that held such amazing memories of us.

So I dialed the only person I trusted and that I had left.

"Hello", Peter's happy voice said through the phone.

"Peter", I said softly my voice cracking.

"Ty? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Where's Master Marco?", He fired off, he was worried about me.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can I come stay over by you for a bit? I don't want to stay here", I said softly burying myself further into the blankets.

"Sure. Must we come pick you up?", Peter said reluctantly, not wanting me to let the subject slide so easily.

"No, I'll drive down. I need to clear my head anyway", I said my voice hoarse from crying so much.

"I can come pick you up, I don't have any classes scheduled today and you don't sound... well enough to drive yourself. I don't want you to get hurt", He said his tone worried and anxious.

"I won't hurt myself. I'll meet you in a few hours", I said, I didn't want him to see me like this. Someone already has hurt me enough, I thought bitterly.

"Okay,but call me if you need anything. When are you leaving?", He asked but from his tone I knew he was still reluctant.

"In an hour", I said and greeted him goodbye.

I sighed before throwing off the covers and walking into the bathroom. My eyes were red and puffy and my skin looked paler. I ignored the way I looked and went to toilet and brushed my teeth. I got into the shower and quickly washed up.

I didn't feel like dressing up so I just pulled on an old pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I packed a bag with about two weeks of clothes. Plenty of time to get Marco out of my head.

I called Sarah and let her know I won't be in the bakery and that she would be in charge till I got back. I didn't want someone else to loose money and not be able to pay their bills because of my heartbreak.

I quickly locked up and I was on the road. The drive to James' house was going to take me about 6 hours.

I drove to the nearest garage and filled the gas up. I bought some coffee and muffins, since I didn't eat breakfast. I bought some snacks and drinks too because I'm sure going to get hungry on the way. That's if I eat it, I didn't have much of an appetite anyway.

As I drove I refused to think of Marco. But my treacherous mind still went to him anyways. Why did he just end us like that?

We had so much together, we fit so well. Did all those laughs,  inside jokes, breakfasts in bed, dinners, dates, movies, our playtimes, scenes mean nothing to him?

For f*cks sake, he was my first everything. Was I just another toy for him? Someone to play with, make them fall in love with you then you dump them and say it was fun but I'm sorry we can't be together.

My eyes got blurry and I quickly blinked them to get rid of the tears. I sure as hell don't want to cause an accident.

Six hours later I pulled into James' driveway. His car was parked in the garage and I suddenly dreaded going inside. He will immediately know something is wrong. He's not a Dom and one of the best police officers for nothing.

I sighed and pulled my big boy pants on. If I didn't go in then  James and Peter would come out.

I left my bag in the boot, I'll come pick it up later. I made my way to the front door and stood there indecisively. I took a deep breath and rang the bell. Five seconds later Peter opened the door.

He said nothing and just pulled me in for a hug and I broke down again. James came out too and pulled us inside, I didn't want to cause a scene on the front porch.

After a few minutes, I leaned back and wiped my tears.

"Better?", Peter asked softly still holding my arms.

"A little", I admitted and gave him a small smile.

He pulled me towards the lounge and sat me down on a couch. He still had a hold of my hands and was providing me comfort. I was never more glad to have a best friend like him.

"What happened Ty? You call out of the blue and ask to stay over. What happened with Master Marco?", He asked softly.

"I don't know Peter. We were fine and happy, atleast I thought we were. He took me to dinner yesterday to that fancy restaurant in the city and we were laughing and talking and everything was going great. Then he asked me to dance and when he kissed me I blurted out I loved him. He freaked, I think, and then took me home and told me we were over. He was no longer my Master and boyfriend.
Peter is something wrong with me? Do I not deserve to be loved and cared for? First my parents tell me I'm an abomination and I'm sick then Marco all but says it was fun but no thanks", I croak out, tears streaming down my face. God I'm a mess.

"Don't talk nonsense. You deserve all the love in the world. Your parents lost a jewel and they will regret it. Master Marco made a mistake and I'm sure he has a reasonable explanation for what he did and said. If he was playing with you, I'll have Master break his legs and we can cut off his junk", He teased and bumped our arms together.

I just laughed and I felt better.

"Thank you Peter. I feel better already. You're the best best friend anyone could ever ask for", I said pulling him in for a hug.

"We'll I'm your only best friend because if there is another one, some bitch is going to be missing a few teeth", He said laughing with me.

"Whose teeth are you threatening to remove now?", James asked amused from the doorway. He had given us privacy which was ridiculous because we told each other everything.

"Nobody's", Peter said innocently and batted his eyelashes at his Master. James just chuckled and shook his head at his pet.

"Feeling better Ty? Give him some time to come around. I didn't want to say anything but I have a feeling that Marco has been through a bit in his past. Sometimes we don't want to get hurt again and make stupid mistakes but if you truly love him and you're sure he feels something for you too he will come back. If not, he wasn't the one for you and it's his loss", He said hugging me as well.

"Thanks guys", I said smiling at them.

Coming here was a good thing, I can clear my head and I'll know what to do about Marco soon enough.

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