Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to Laneyenglish

Marco's POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my face and the sound of waves breaking as it hit the shore and birds chirping. I smiled at my love bundled in my arms, his angelic face cuddled into my chest. I kissed his pouty lips and shifted so I could get out of bed.

I tried moving my arm but my baby moved with me. I quickly pulled my arm out from around his shoulders and stuffed my pillow under him.

My baby shifted around before he cuddled into the pillow. I smiled at him and leaned down to place a soft kiss on his temple.
I walked into the bathroom and used the toilet before I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I walked back into the room and I decided to quickly pack away the bags. I had something hidden and I didn't want to risk my baby finding it.

I made quick work of packing our clothes into the cupboards and placing all the cosmetics in their places.

I turned to check up on my baby and he was still sleeping. I looked at the time and I decided to spoil my baby and make him breakfast.

My baby usually makes me breakfast and spoils me with delicious treats and makes my favorite caramel cake, I have a wicked sweet tooth. My baby will surprise me at work and treat me to some of his delicacies he prepared. 

Or come because he wants to play. Well after the first time he came and how hot the sex was, I teased him often so he could come back and we could do it again. Every time feels better than the last.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make my baby breakfast. I searched the cupboards and found a pan.

I scrambled some eggs and made some bacon and put some toast in the toaster. I made sure to pack the food into the fridge and into the cupboards so they don't go off.

I poured some grape juice and put some strawberries and pineapple pieces into a plate. My baby loves his pineapples and I love my strawberries.

I put everything into a tray and carried it upstairs to my baby. I opened the door with my shoulder but my baby wasn't in bed.

I set the tray down on the nightstand and Tyler walked out of the bathroom wearing my shirt.

Tyler smiled happily before he bounced over and wrapped his arms around me.

"Good morning Master", He said standing on tip toes to kiss me.

"Morning baby. Are you feeling okay?", I asked him concerned because I wasn't very gentle last night.

"I'm great. Oooh, breakfast. Thank you Master", He said kissing my cheek.

I sat down on the bed and and rested against the headboard. I patted the space in between my legs and Tyler climbed onto the bed and sat down so we were face to face.

I picked up the tray and placed it on Tyler's lap. I fed him and he fed me. We cleaned off the plate as we talked and Tyler was very excited to meet my family again today.

"James called and said he will be here soon. James was called in for an emergency meeting yesterday", Tyler said picking up a pineapple piece.

"What time did he say he'll be here?", I asked mesmerized as he bit into the fruit and watched the juice run down his fingers and wrist.

"Around 9-", He started and was cut off as I grabbed his hand to lick the juice off of his wrist.

We held eye contact as I ran my tongue up his wrist and sucked his fingers clean.

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