missing you

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I heard that you've been, self-medicating in the quiet of your room, your sweet, suburban tomb and if you need a friend, i'll help you stitch up your wounds.

Geoff was special, but not in the learning way. He was just special. He went through highs and lows, it was very irregular. No one could control them, not even medication that was prescribed by the doctor. When he got better, it was because he helped himself. Geoff was strong. He was a problem solver. He could get things done. Today, today was not one of those days. This morning he woke up with a terrible feeling in his chest and he couldn't shake it off. He prayed it wasn't his depressive phase rolling in during the middle of the week. As soon he woke up, he locked the door. Awsten wasn't next to him, making everything a bit worse.

I heard that you've been having some trouble finding your place in the world. I know how much that hurts, but if you need a friend, then please just say the word...

Awsten was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the two of them. It was just simple food, avocado toast and orange juice. It was definitely a slow morning for him, he woke up late and decided to let Geoff sleep in. Mistake number one. They always woke up together every again, today was not one of those days. After breakfast had been made, Awsten was ready to crawl back into bed with Geoff and eat. No. The blue haired boy went to the door, a plate in hand. First, he tried the door. It was locked and he didn't lock it. Quickly, he sat the plate on the floor.

"Geoff, are you okay?" Awsten asked softly. His voice was laced with concern. It was a scary moment for him.

There was no reply, instead silence filled the house. It was a dreaded silence. A horrible silence. Awsten didn't want the silence right now.

"C'mon, babe, open up," He plead again. It was terrifying to go through this with Geoff.

You've come this far, you're all cleaned up, you've made a mess again, there's no more trying, time to sort yourself out...

Right now, Geoff was curled up in the blankets, his face buried into the pillow Awsten slept with. He wasn't planning or getting up nor talking to anyone for the next couple of days. Awsten had made sure that Geoff took his medication but currently he's been slacking, seeing they just got off of tour and such. He accidentally slipped up and did something wrong. This one slip up put them in this compromising position.

Geoff had came a long way. Through an abusive household and messed up incidents in his early twenties, he was still here. Just as strong and great as before all of it happened. Awsten wasn't going to let a mood swing ruin what Geoff had previously built up. He was much stronger than that. In the past five years, Geoff had made two slip ups. Awsten wasn't going to let it happen again, especially not days before Christmas.

Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one, make no mistake,

The brunette didn't make mistakes. When he did something, it was on purpose and it wanted it to happen. Like the time he told Zakk to fuck off, it wasn't a mistake. He said it and meant it. It wasn't because he had a lot of pent up aggression. In the time, Zakk had something something mildly offensive and Geoff just let it out. Everyone was taken aback when he actually cursed; he never curses.

the day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,  now don't lose your fight, kid, it only takes a little push to pull on through,

It was the second to last day or tour. The drive there was the worst drive ever. Everyone was exchanging awkward eye contact with Awsten. The night before, Jawn had walked in on Geoff changing, his scars were in full view. Jawn, being a loudmouth, told everyone what he saw. Zakk knew now. Otto knew now. Members from other bands knew.

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