if these sheets were the states

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I'm lost in empty pillow talk again, lost in empty pillow talk again

Pillow talk was one of the best things to do when Geoff came to Houston. It was the first and last thing they did together. The mindless flirting and jokes were always enough to bring the two together once again. Words were exchanged there, it was enough to make Geoff turn the color of a strawberry. Times like this were the times they'd never forget.

This bed's an island made of feathered down and I'm stuck here alone

When they got separated once again, Awsten's bed felt empty again. The matted down pillows still smelt of Geoff. It was comforting, for now. The nights that Geoff left were always the nights Awsten binged watched Law and Order and ate tons of ice cream. It was a depressive time for the both of them, but they were only happy because they'd see each other again.

Little else but memories of you are memory foam, visions of a brighter love, I'd kill for one more day to pool my thoughts and find the words to say

There was tons of memories in Awsten's house and bedroom. Like the time Geoff dropped gravy all over Mr. Knight on Thanksgiving, or the time he spilt wax all over Awsten's bed sheet's at 4am. The small things meant the most. In the relationship, they had talked about moving in with each other; either Geoff lived in Houston or Awsten lived in LA. Nothing was ever done though. Geoff was holding things back, Awsten could just tell he was. There was even a time the younger of the two, almost did move. He would kill to have that almost happen again.

If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me

"Hey, Geoff?"

"Yeah, Aws?"

"When are you coming out next?"

"Two weeks from now, six days before your birthday."

Awsten smiled widely at this. Geoff was going to be around for his birthday. That was one of the best Christmas gifts ever. For now, Awsten just had to soak in the bed space where Geoff would soon lay. When the call ended, the blue haired boy pulled the blankets tighter around him, wishing he could bring Geoff closer already.

Because I don't get sleep at all without you pressed up against me, I settle for long distance calls

The night before Geoff's plane was arriving might've been the worst and best night of his month. He couldn't slept, instead he stayed up making sure his apartment was spotless and everything looked nice. They had talked just before Geoff got on his flight, but that wasn't enough for him. Soon, the real person was going to be in front of him and it was going to be great.

This room's become a mausoleum filled with relics of regret, paying dues to every moment wasted on words left unsaid

Again, they were together in Awsten's bed, blankets draped over them. It was a sentimental moment. Geoff was staring at Awsten like he had never seen anything more beautiful than him. There wasn't much said between the two. In the end, Geoff ended up falling asleep, curled into Awsten's chest. As he spoke, it was soft, he knew Geoff couldn't hear him,

"We're going to live together. Someday soon."

Collisions of a finer lover, I'd kill for one more day to tell you how you make me better everyday

It was the day Geoff was going back home, but Awsten was coming back with him. The brunette didn't know that though, it was a surprise. At the airport, Geoff was already in tears and his flight wasn't even boarding yet. That was in another hour. They were stood there with Geoff buried in Awsten's shoulder. People gave them odds look, but they didn't care, not at all. Soon, the intercom came on.

"Flight A-1572, Houston to LA, now boarding," The voice was monotone, it made the situation seem even worse for Geoff.

"I- I gotta go, Aws," He whispered, it made Awsten's heart sink.

"I know, and so do I," He whispered back.

Geoff was confused, "W- where are you g- going?"

"With you, silly."

Things were clicking. A small gasp escaped from the brunette as he jumped on Awsten, wrapping his legs around the other's waist.

"Oh m- my god, oh my g g-od," He said, more tears falling.

"Now come on, we have a flight to catch."

if these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me.

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