i love to love (but my baby just loves to dance)

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listen to say something by grayscale. that's why i decided to write this. i also tried writing in a different style than usual. please tell me if you like it or not. update: i changed the title but still, listen to that song.


geoff's body movements were in sync with the music. his hip swayed to the beat and he could feel awsten's eye burning into his figure. but did he care? no. after drinking a few alcoholic ice teas, geoff was letting go. some song came over the radio and he got extremely excited about it. so here he was, swaying along by himself while awsten sat and watched. hesitantly, awsten fished around for his polaroid camera that was kept safely in his small backpack he brought everywhere with him. everything important was kept instead. from his chapstick to his camera.

awsten turned on the camera and looked through it, making sure geoff was in frame before clicking the button. a flash went off and the print was coming out, blink. geoff stopped and looked at awsten, blinking slowly before going back to swaying his hips in ways that could be consider provocative.

"you know... it's not polite to stare," geoff said, once the song had ended and another one was coming on. this time, it wasn't something he wanted to move to. he stood in place in the middle of the living room and looked at awsten.

"you could've joined me... danced together." he hummed lowly. awsten swallowed. hard. he hesitantly nodded, standing up with his shaky knees. something about geoff made him feel so different. ever since they met, things had been such high paced.

"muh- maybe the next song?" awsten asked as he glanced up at geoff through his eyelashes. this seemed weird, like the start to some horror movie that no one really wanted to be apart of. his licked his bottom lip, forever wishing they wouldn't be chapped so much.

geoff nodded after a second, "sure. sounds just fine to me... now, let me see the photo." he pointed to the polaroid that had developed. awsten's slender fingers picked it up tentatively and placed it in the palm of geoff's hand. their skins tone clashed and he was just now noticing that. you could say he wasn't very observational.

geoff offered a weak, seemingly fake smile. he looked over the photo and saw it wasn't totally ready, but he could make out what he looked like. he hummed, "it's good. i think this deserves to go on the wall." he manoeuvred his way past awsten and into the kitchen. he opened the junk drawer and pulled out the clear, double sided tape. he took off a bit and placed it on the photo before going back to the living room. he pressed the photo again the wall to join the rest of the polaroid photos.

"there. doesn't it look good?" geoff asked awsten, who was standing there, staring at geoff like he had blew his mind in a million different ways. awsten nodded quickly, looking over the wall and then back at geoff. geoff smiled —it didn't seem so fake this time— and pressed a kiss to awsten's cheek. his cheeks lit up with a bright pink tint, something both of these boys were used to.

the apartment was practically empty. especially the living room. no coffee table, no extra seating, no fancy cabinet or desk. a simple, grey couch sat against one wall while a tv and radio system sat on the other wall. everything echoed in the empty space, which always gave awsten the chills but geoff seemed so used to the feeling.

awsten sat back down at the end on the couch and stared as geoff found his way back into the middle of the shaggy carpet. his hips started to sway just like before, but this time, something was different. something was off. the song was much slower than the first, much sadder. awsten didn't understand how someone could make a song like this feel so sexual. he chewed on the inside of his cheek and watched in amazement. geoff was staring him down now. when their eyes locked, awsten's face grew hot along with the rest of his body. he broke the gaze to look at his watch, which read 11:36.

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