good boys bad boyfriend

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just a heads up, this wasn't really proofread, but if that does happen, i will edit it. thank you.


it was late. geoff should've been asleep by now but he had piles upon piles of homework for his finals and there was no way he was going to bed anytime soon. he had loud music playing, drowning out the boring thoughts of the work. he was only allowed to do that because no one was home. this was better than usual, but his body was disagreeing with him and tried to force his eyes close, despite that he was in the midst of writing a sentence.

geoff had debated on calling awsten over, but his boyfriend had already said he was going out with friends tonight, which was understandable because, well, he wasn't in high school anymore. their age wasn't a drastic difference, awsten was only nineteen and graduated this year while geoff was eighteen and graduating next year. but the single year gap still made geoff's parents weary of awsten, despite his hair being dyed purple and his outfits look like they were inspired by his grandpa.

they two have been dating for almost a year and a half now, and their biggest supporter was awsten's mom. geoff's parents weren't homophobic by any means, but awsten just wasn't the idle person for their son. after multiple attempts of trying to explain that they were happy together and geoff wasn't breaking up with him for anything, they were still odd around awsten and didn't like when they were together. 

geoff teetered back and forth on the idea of calling awsten and asking if they were back from whatever they were going to do. he doubted they were but he was so incredibly bored and wanted to do something other than work on homework for something he knew he was most likely going to pass. 

as the brunette went to pick up his phone, it started to ring, which startled him. he looked at the caller ID, it was his dad. he titled his head to the side, knowing that he was on duty and shouldn't be making phone calls. he reluctantly answered the call since he knew his dad would call and call until he did. 

"hello?" geoff said, sitting up, "aren't you on duty?"

"i am, yes, but i just came across something interesting," his voice was low and monotone, making geoff's heart sink into the pit of his stomach.

"what's up?" he asked slowly. he was more anxious than he was before he answered.

"i have an awsten knight in the back of my car... isn't that your... boyfriend?"

geoff sat there quietly, his hands beginning to shake. why was awsten in the backseat of his dad's car? his police cruiser, nonetheless. what had he done to get him in that position? he let out a shaky sigh before swallowing. he hadn't given a reply yet, so his dad spoke up again.

"geoff? is this your boyfriend?"

"yes- yes, he is... what did he do?"

"he and some friends were out dicking around,  but he was the one who vandalized the 7/11."

geoff wanted to yell. mostly at awsten. he knew that his boyfriend was prone to doing dumb things and making stupid decisions, especially with his friends, but usually never in public. this was a foolish move and even geoff knew that. he was thinking about too many things right now, like what were the odds awsten would land himself in trouble with geoff's dad, at not another officer? 

"what's going to happen to him?"

"well, first of all, my son cannot be dating a criminal."   

"dad- he's not a criminal, this is his first time being involved with the law."

"i looked at his records, he's been pulled over for speeding."

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