questions about your otp!

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hello, it's me again, and i'm doing one of these things again because i have not published a one shot in a while but, there is a few that are almost done! anyway, this is going to make up for some lost time, but not really because i'm doing this in fit on anger. here we go!


Who takes the trash out? Awsten. I feel like Geoff would be grossed out by all the things in the trash and would even refuse to kick the trashbag towards the door. 

Who reminds the other to take care of themselves? Geoff most definitely reminds Awsten to take care of himself. Awsten just gets stuck in these ruts where he won't do any normal self-care, so Geoff has to be like "hey bub, change your bunk sheets" or "your hair needs to be washed today"

Who is happier when they are out in nature? Geoff. Awsten bitches when it's cold, bitches when it's hot. But Geoff just likes everything about it, mostly the little birds and the rain. I feel like he really likes hiking. 

Do they like to go in the hot tub together? Probably not. I feel like Awsten messes around with the settings the whole time, makes the bubbles all wacky, and then complains when Geoff leaves him in there. Also, Awsten doesn't like when his fingers start to prune up.

Do either of them avidly follow a celebrity and/or fandom? Yes. Awsten is a big fan of Matty B, both on and off Twitter. But Geoff is more lowkey and probably appreciates the fuck out of Britney Spears. 

Who builds a pillow fort? Awsten. He is definitely more childish than Geoff, making him do things like build random pillow forts on the bus, or well try to. And when they're at home, he totally builds forts and makes Geoff sleep in them with him.

Who plans the romantic date? Geoff. Awsten half-asses dates, most of the time, and randomly tells Geoff when they're going out for dinner or to see a movie. But Geoff, he takes time and plans out nice, romantic dates. 

Who likes to play with the other's hair? Both of them. Geoff likes all the pretty colors Awsten puts in his hair and loves to run his fingers through it because it's always so soft despite it getting dyed so many times. Awsten likes to try and braid Geoff's hair when he's half asleep and on the verge of passing out. Just two soft boys loving each other. 

Who calms the other down when the other has a nightmare? Awsten is prone to having bad/disturbing dreams that leave him in tears. Geoff is always there to help comfort him and assure that his nightmares are indeed fake and nothing is going to hurt him. 

Who wants their dog to sleep on the bed with them? AWSTEN. He loves dogs so much and always wants his to be close, but Geoff doesn't allow it because he hates getting dog hair on their blankets. He hates having to wash them and lint roll them all of the time. He gives up sometimes and just ignores the fact the dog is a literal barricade between the two.

Who can't sleep without the other? They just can't sleep without each other. Half of the time, Awsten is trying to squish his way into Geoff's bunk because he misses him. This is why Otto should let them have the bigger bunk. 

Who is too nice and will listen to a salesperson pitch? Geoff. He is so nice and would honestly sit through a four-hour lecture about how to pay your taxes in French, despite him not knowing anything in French. He would suffer through if it made someone else happy.

Who makes the first move to cuddle? Awsten. He will come right up to Geoff and just sit in his lap, bury his face into his chest, and curl up like a cat. Or if they're alone, he curls right up against his side and kisses whatever area is available. He loves cuddling. 

What is their go to fast food place? I'm not sure, does Denny's or IHOP count as fast food? It probably doesn't. If they don't count, probably McDonald's because its all cheap and they're broke. 

Who likes to wear the other's sweaters? Awsten steals all of Geoff's hoodies. Literally all of them. If Geoff is missing a hoodie, Awsten probably has it somewhere because he finds them more comfortable than his own, which is crazy to Geoff because he literally stole their matching hoodie. 

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