gawsten drabbels [1]

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to make up for my absence, here are some gawsten drabbels that i could turn into actual one shots if i had the motivation!


"i hope you actually know my name is [blank]"

awsten is an overly excited starbucks worker and geoff comes in every day and orders drinks under a different name each day. awsten immediately takes attraction to him and is very determined to remember his name. but surprise, which name is his real name?  as the days go on, awsten releases that geoff has like, twenty different names. and one day geoff comes in and is like "i hope you know my name is actually geoff, not anthony or alex or steven..." and awsten gets all quiet and is like "well, geoff, what's your order today?"

"you're my waiter and i'm on a date with a douche-bag" 

this date wasn't geoff's idea and honestly, he was really close to getting up from the table and exiting through the bathroom window. but he was better than that. his dates name is chaz or something weird. he already made fun of geoff for ordering a salad, calling it "rabbit food" and making fun of him for it. their waiter keeps coming by and asking if things are going well and geoff can tell that he can hear what his date is saying. other people are now complaining about geoff's date and awsten, the waiter, comes over and explains that he's being disruptive and he has to leave. chaz leaves $50 on the table and leaves, without taking geoff. so geoff is left there and awsten sits in chaz's previous spot and starts a conversation with geoff. 

"i twisted my ankle and you're the only one strong enough to carry me"

geoff really hates soccer but the bitchy gym teacher is making him play on the team that goes outside. they're all super white and super skinny, despite geoff thinking he's thicker than everyone. the rest of his team literally thinks soccer is the best and they're going to get scholarships. geoff is really hating his life but he's trying his hardest ok? someone, somehow managed to body slam geoff and roll his ankle the wrong way. geoff, being a big baby, is screaming and crying. awsten, a dude on the opposite team is trying to hush him and carries him to the health room while geoff is crying and embarrassed. a relationship flowers. 

"i work in the library and i'm a little concerned for your health because you won't stop studying"

this library is open 24/7 and geoff does night shifts. awsten is literally there 10+ hours every day. it worries geoff, a lot, more than it should. he's never seen someone study that much in his life, even on finals week. it's getting towards 4am, the end of geoff's shift, but awsten is still there with his nose buried in books. geoff, oh so badly, wants this kid to go home and get sleep before he passes out. geoff ends up going to awsten's table and asks if everything is going alright and awsten just goes "yes, i'm studying, i'm fine." and geoff is like "you don't sound fine...?" and awsten looks up, directly into geoff's eyes and goes "i'm not, i want to go home, but if i fail this midterm, my parents are going to kill me." and geoff just sighs, closes his books and makes him leave.


any typos and misuse of commas and shit isn't on purpose, i just don't feel the need to edit this and i'm super tired. thank u 4 ur time.

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