the cutest librarian on this side of town

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Awsten sat behind the information desk at the Houston Public Library. It was a relatively slow day for the twenty-two years old, which meant he had quite a bit of free time to do what he loved most, writing. He had just graduated from the local university with a degree in creative writing and he was pretty excited he had gotten the job at the library.

It was pretty easy, just checking books in and out a helping people as much as he could with finding things and book recommendations. It was the perfect job until he was able to start doing something with music like he had planned. Plus it was quiet so when he was free he could write in peace, at least he could until an unusually obnoxious guy came every day.

Awsten was pretty sure it was the man's personal mission to annoy the shit out of him. The man was loud and always messed with the order of the books, and sometimes he didn't even check something out.

Geoff sauntered into the library, a playful smirk on his face. The time he actually did need a book for a class but that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun. One of his favorite pastimes was messing with the incredibly cute librarian. It was beyond adorable how flustered the younger boy would get when Geoff did something childish. It never ceased to amuse him.

He approached the desk and cleared his throat, "Yo, I was wondering if you could show me to the non-fiction section? Specifically the sciences?"

Geoff knew good and well where that section was but this was the only time he got to talk to the boy and he was going to make the most of it. Contrary to what the other man thought, Geoff was pretty intelligent and was majoring in Mass Communication. Someday he wanted to do something with the radio, to get great music to the masses.

Awsten was roll his eyes immediately when he cleared his throat, but this time he didn't, "Non-fiction?" He asked, standing up and brushing his pants from the eraser shavings."They're back here, follow me." His voice got soft as he spoke.

He went around the desk and started his way to the section of books Geoff was looking for, "Any book in particular?" He asked quietly as they got to the large. When Geoff replied with an answer, Awsten nodded and bent down to look through the books, pulling out the correct ones.

Geoff couldn't stop the smile on his face, as much as he tried to. As Awsten was gathering the biology books, he needed for his paper, Geoff decided to have a little fun. He started taking books off of the shelf, scan through them and then put them back in the wrong place. He just wanted to have Awsten's attention as long as he could. He walked around, picking up books and then incorrectly putting them back.

Awsten could hear him just flipping through random books and showing them back onto the shelves in incorrect order. He really didn't want to reorganize the whole shelf again, but now he would have to, thanks to Geoff.

"That's all the-" He spoke softly but when he watched Geoff put a book in the wrong place, "Biology books we have right now," He finished up, smiling despite wanting to cry.

"Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it." He said, looking over at Awsten.

"Of course. It's no problem."

Geoff could tell Awsten was flustered, despite how hard he was trying to hide it. He sat down by the books and actually started to look for what he needed. He figured if he stayed here long enough, Awsten would have to come by and fix the books again.

After ten minutes had passed by, Geoff sighed and looked around. Awsten wasn't back, no doubt avoiding the brunette at all costs. Geoff moved so he was sitting on top of the desk before starting to whistle super loud. Surely, someone would complain or eventually Awsten himself would get tired of it and come over. Geoff knew he was being an asshole, but he loved the little interactions he had with the librarian, the way he rolled his eyes and tried to be polite to Geoff was the cutest thing he had ever seen.

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