cool. kiss me?

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note: sie helped with the ending, it's not letting me tag her. rip.


they were best friends, best friends until the end. but of course, there was always the catch; geoff had a certain kind of romantic attraction towards awsten.

no, they weren't 'i want to fuck him' attractions, they were 'i really wouldn't mind holding his hand and falling asleep on his bed' attractions.

even though they were close enough to share clothes and even phones, geoff wouldn't dare ever ask to hold awsten's hand in a time of need. even when geoff did hug awsten and it lasted for longer than 10 seconds, awsten was completely clueless to how tight geoff held him and how much he wished the blue-haired boy would never let go.

now sat at lunch, awsten was across from geoff and he kept winking while flicking pieces of paper at him. for some reason, it was making geoff's face turn the color of a tomato. it wasn't even intimate, it was just awsten being annoying as per usual. jawn, zakk, otto, and oliver were all wrapped up in their own worlds and conversations to see this happen.

geoff grew agitated with the paper pellets hitting his face every two seconds but he couldn't yell, or even raise his voice at awsten so he sat through the growing annoyance.

when the paper got too much, the brunette left his seat without another word and sat down with some kids he remembered from math class two years prior. he hadn't talked to them since that one class, but their table would have to make due.

"hi," geoff said to the guys, nick, and westen, trying to start a conversation with them. all geoff can remember is that nick is a stoner with the bad, constant tendency to skip class and westen was the only source that's helping him graduate.

"hey, i'm assuming you want to buy some bud?" nick asked as he rummaged through the mess he called his backpack. westen hit his upper arm and shook his head to signal no.

"uh... no thank you, maybe next time?" he replied, his tone questioning. he had never smoked pot before, but now was not the perfect time for that.

"you seemed stressed with that boy-toy of yours, whatever his name is..." he had started but geoff was quick to cut him off.

"we're not dating and he's not my boy-toy. his name is awsten."

nick rolled his eyes, "okay, fine. you seemed stressed with your friend awsten over there... this will calm you right the fuck down." nick replied before he held up a bag that contained two brownies and what seemingly looked like a truffle. they looked trustworthy, but anything from nick was supposedly bad. rumors got around quick at their school.

geoff examined the bag with his eyes, watching as westen rubbed at his temples instead of stopping nick from making a deal with geoff in the middle of the lunchroom. after a few minutes of contemplation, he sighed.

"fine, but do i have to pay?" he asked. that made nick laugh and shake his head.

"no, this one is in the house. don't tell people, though, they'll want their money back." nick pulled a cookie out of the bag and handed it to geoff with ease, not thinking of any of the negative effects it might have on someone who's never experienced a high. 

"so i just... eat it and i'll feel better?"

"yep," nick popped his p, "it was made with durban poison, sativa. it'll make things fun." 

nick knew for a fact that sativa wasn't the calming and relaxing strain. indica was. satvia was going to make him more energized and creative, not calm down and release the stress he might have been dealing with. he had given geoff the wrong one, but once he was eating it, it was too late. there was no way he'd be any calmer now.

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