say what you want

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not edited, oof, hope its not terrible. also the title is random ok, couldn't think of anything worthwhile.


Geoff and Awsten were attached at the hip. They were always together no matter what it was. Holidays, family events, going to the DMV. Whatever. They were each others plus ones to almost everything they went to. Together, they had seen many weddings and Christmases.

The two shared everything from food to their clothes and even their phones. Awsten didn't have to ask before taking a bite of whatever Geoff was eating, he did it leisurely. When Geoff needed a clean shirt, he went through Awsten's closet until he found something he liked. As for their phones they'd use each others to post on Instagram, tweet, etc. If one of them got a text while on each others phone, they would tell the other and respond to it.

Some of the things they did were odd to some, seeing they weren't in a proper relationship. Even their parents and close relatives thought they were dating and left it at that. No one ever asked about it, just assuming by the way they acted towards each other and their body language. When Geoff came out, his families guesses were correct and they all decided that Awsten was the one Geoff liked, or was dating.

Awsten had a family reunion coming up, and he definitely wasn't going alone, so he asked Geoff to go. Of course he did. Geoff said yes, extremely excited to see Awsten's parents and relatives again. It seemed like Geoff was adopted into the Knight family and he didn't really complain about it, he enjoyed being treated like one of Mrs.Knight's kids. 

The day of the reunion Geoff was a mess. He didn't know what he was supposed to wear, Awsten never told him what attire to wear. He knew that it was most likely going to be at their house, like a barbeque type of deal, but still. He wanted it to be crystal clear so nothing went wrong.

"Awsten, come here. Please." Geoff yelled so Awsten could hear him wherever he was in the house, soon, he was able to hear the others footsteps coming down the hall.

"I'm here," Awsten chuckled a bit, but soon stopped when he was how distressed Geoff looked, "Oh, Geo, what's wrong?" Awsten cooed, moving to wrap his arms around his waist.

"I don't know what to wear," The older frowned, looking down at his own feet in embarrassment. This was such a irrational thing to get upset about, but here he was.

"Don't stress over this, Geoff, it doesn't matter what you wear as long as it's nice. " Awsten hummed, moving to look through Geoff's wardrobe, trying to find a nice shirt.

Awsten pulled out Geoff's blue and white cat shirt and displayed it to him, hoping he would go with it and wear it. Geoff shook his head, letting out a distressed noise, saying it was too obscure for a family event. Awsten nodded, mentally groaning but went back to the opened closet, pulling out one of many plain colored shirts he had.

"Come on, this ones nice, plus it looks good on you!" Awsten persuaded the other, smiling gently.

"Alright, alright," Geoff sighed, taking it from Awsten. He smiled one more time before exiting the room and going back down the hall to his own.

Geoff got undressed, getting into the shirt. He wore his "special" black jeans; they weren't faded or ripped. He grabbed his boots and put them on. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled a bit, admiring how the jeans hugged his legs nicely. Today was not the day for anxious, self-deprecating thoughts.

"Awsten, are you ready yet?" Geoff asked, peeking his head out of his door.

"Almost, I need to fix up my hair," Awsten called back, making Geoff hum in response.

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