two is a team

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title is irrelevant to the whole story, i just like the way it sounds. cool. the end is kinda cheesy, and i don't really like it. just thought i should publish this now. sigh. anyway. hope everyone is doing well.


This was it. As Awsten held his phone to his head, Ciara's voice coming through in a tone that wasn't as sweet as it usually had been with him. It was threatening and each word was like a shot to the heart for the boy. After weeks of fighting and subtweeting each other, things were finally coming to an end for the two.

It was known that Ciara had cheated on Awsten with multiple people. Some co-stars and other people she met through her boyfriend. The situation was nasty and most people are well-aware of that. Even Gracie, Awsten's sister, was aggressive towards her on Twitter, but it was deserved.

"Awsten, this is pathetic- You're pathetic. We're over, no more. We aren't together anymore after this call." Ciara spoke, and Awsten could tell there was so much more sitting on the tip of her tongue.

He didn't even have anything to say back regarding that. All he could muster out was a severely broken, "O- Okay. Fu- Fine." A silence followed and then merely seconds later, the call was dropped, leaving Awsten sitting there with teary eyes. He wanted to marry that girl. He had big plans and dreams, which of most contained her being with him.

That night, Awsten decided for himself that being straightedge was a waste. He thought that maybe alcohol could blur some of the lines and make him forget. Things were so overwhelming, and he would do anything to not feel what he was feeling.

He left the bus with just his wallet, leaving his phone behind in the bunk underneath his blankets. He told their TM he was just going out, but never specified where he was going. Awsten wandered down the street until he came across a bar. He pushed open the door and was overwhelmed by the smell. He's been around liquor, but all the smells were so concentrated in there. He took a seat at the counter and started ordering.

After a few mixed drinks, some shots that burned going down, and about three gin and tonics; Awsten thought it was time to walk home, plus the bartender had cut him off. With a little huff, he walked out of the bar, almost forgetting his card and walked back to the bus. He came onto the bus being extremely loud.

Geoff was still awake when Awsten came back. Frowning, he sat up halfway in his bunk. He could smell the alcohol already, which was scary. He knew Awsten had gone off somewhere. What the hell could have happened? He thought to himself.

"Awsten?" He called out softly, taking his earbuds out. Was Awsten drunk? Since when did he drink? Geoff's head filled with questions as Awsten clambered around. He tore open the curtain and looked out into the kitchen area. Even through the dark, Awsten looked like shit and he was being extremely loud. If Lucas was to wake up and see him, Awsten would be in some deep shit.

"Shhhh, Aws, shhh," Geoff tired to hush the drunk boy.

Awsten stumbled around the small kitchen area, bumping into things in the dark. He tried finding the fridge, but failed every time he reached for it. He started to whine and kick the cupboards, not meaning to hurt himself in the process.

Awsten turned around when he heard Geoff pull his curtain open. All of his body weight pushed one way, causing him to almost fall on his face. "G!" He gasped, trying to see through the dim little hallway to the bunks.

Geoff stared over in the direction of his voice, ducking his head into the bunk before he grabbed his flashlight. "Awsten, come here," He told him with a small frown, "Are you drunk?" He asked.

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