work myself to death

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this has been sitting in my notes since 2016, so hey, here we are almost two years later!


It had been a long, hard day for all of them. With the album coming out in less than two weeks, people were frantic to make sure everything went together correctly. This time was the most stressful for Awsten since he was the lead, the man with a plan. His nights were long, sometimes he didn't come to bed till around five in the morning. Geoff knew it wasn't healthy.

Now, two days before the album release, Geoff was having a hard time falling asleep himself. His anxiety was getting the best of him, and he had no one to turn to in this moment. Awsten was a room away, talking loudly with the manager from their music label. His voice already carried but it was worse now. With shaky, nimble hands, the brunette pulled the blankets up and over his head once again, trying to calm himself down.

It was no use, though. Awsten was still talking loudly, almost yelling. After suffering for another five minutes, Geoff actually got out of bed. His legs felt like jelly as he stood up, but he ignored it as he traveled to the office.

"No - ugh - Alright, is everything up and ready? I want this to be perfect," Awsten's back was facing the door so when Geoff walked in, there was no way he could've seen him or heard him.

Softly, Geoff knocked on the door frame, praying he wasn't busting into the conversation or ruining something. Awsten turned around, not having the most pleased look on his face, but it instantly went a bit happier when he saw how sleepy Geoff looked.

"A- Aws, I am ruining something?" He asked quickly, wanting to make sure he wasn't.

"No, of course not, is everything alright?" His tone was bitter, the brunette couldn't tell if it was directed towards him.

Geoff visibly winced as he kept his gaze to the floor in front of him, "N- no, I- I'm alright, n -nevermind," He whispered, voice shaking along with his hands.

Awsten nodded, going back to the phone call and ignoring that Geoff looked a bit shaken up. It's not like he was doing it on purpose, but it still hurt. Quietly, Geoff trudged back to their bedroom and curled up into the bed. He needed Awsten, oh so bad right now.

More time passed and soon the phone call ended. Good. Awsten let out a long, loud sigh as he sat down in his office chair. The wheels scraped against the hardwood floor, again, Geoff winced at the harsh sound. Slowly, the younger boy trudged out of bed again, being quiet as he entered the office once again.

The shuffling of his blanket on the floor must've been heard by Awsten because when he peeked into the door, he was already getting looked at. Awsten's face didn't look all sweet and kind. It looked like he had been to hell and back.

"A- Aws, can you c- come to bed?"

"No, Geoff, I can't," Awsten sighed, his voice held more edge, it was almost snappish.

"W- why? Please, it's l- late." His hands were shaking even more now and his chest was beginning to tighten. Tears were also starting to pool up in the corners.

"No, Geoff. I'm busy. Now please, leave me alone." He snapped, eyes narrowing.

The brunette nodded quickly, feeling his heart being compressed. Briskly, he walked out of the room. There was nobody now. No one to help him, no one to talk him through this. The bed seemed even more lonely and cold. Shadows cast on the walls and that was the cherry on top.

With nimble fingers, Geoff picked up his phone. Otto was his only hope at this point. Awsten, his own boyfriend, had snapped at him and didn't apologize. He was quick to type a sloppy text to the drummer. It was mildly concerning. As soon as Otto had got the text, he called Geoff.

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