Chapter III

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Lorelai headed for the door. Iris quickly snatched her wrist, making her stop and look back at her questioningly. "If you're really going to do this, then please, be careful," Iris pleaded, concern for her new friend evident on her face. "Promise me you'll be okay."

Lorelai smiled. "Relax, Iris, I'll be fine. I've got your number, so if anything happens to go wrong, I'll let you know. Maybe I'll even bring you back a souvenir, one for each of you." She glanced past Iris to Talcott.

Talcott came over as well, a giddy grin on his face. "A griffin feather would make an amazing gift!"

Lorelai tugged her arm free from the brunette and bent down to face Talcott. "Then how about I bring you back one. I'll get one for each of you."

Talcott cheered, jumping up with his fists in the air. Lorelai giggled at him and straightened herself up, gazing over at Iris. "I'll be back soon."

She turned and rushed out the door. She quickly walked down the street, waving back at the two who stood in front of the hotel. She went straight to the tipster from yesterday, taking on the griffin hunt. Lorelai left the busy streets of Lestallum, called her chocobo, and ran down the road west of the town, toward the location where the griffin was said to roam.


The Regalia sped down the rode, the scenery rapidly passing by. Ignis drove, as usual, Prompto sat up front next to him, and Noctis and Gladiolus were in the back. All four of them had one thing in mind - the words of the marshal, Cor. The man had advised them to seek out the royal tombs and that there was a hunter who may be able to help them.

"What do you think this hunter will be like?" Prompto asked out of the blue. The blond was quite curious about the subject.

"Well, judging by the name 'Star' she was given, she must be pretty badass," Gladio stated, leaning forward in his seat so that Prompto could hear him. "They don't give cool nicknames to just any hunter."

"Indeed," Ignis added. "She must be quite skilled to earn such a reputation. Even the marshal acknowledges her."

Prompto shivered. "She sounds kinda scary."

Noctis sighed, finally turning his gaze from the scenery to his friends. "Doesn't matter. If she can find the royal tombs, then we need her."

Ignis pushed his glasses up, his eyes never leaving the road. "I agree with Noct, we need her help whether we like it or not."

"Only problem is, how do we find her?" Prompto questioned. "Cor said that she often traveled around on her own. He only suggested we look in Cleigne or Duscae."

"Iris and Talcott are still in Lestallum," Gladio explained. "That's as good a place as any to start."

Ignis nodded slightly. "Yes. Lestallum is a big place, perfect for gathering information on our elusive hunter."

"Lestallum it is, then," Noctis added in his bored tone.

"Nice!" the blond exclaimed. "I'll be able to see my buddy, Talcott! Not to mention we can finally sleep in some actual beds!"

"Yes, I'm sure we can procure suitable accommodations," Ignis added.


Lorelai pulled back on the reins, stopping her chocobo. She caught sight of her target a small distance away. The griffin paced around awfully close to the road. The girl climbed off her chocobo.

"Go on, Eclipse, get out of here," she said, pushing the black bird lightly. The chocobo let out a chirp and ran back toward the town, away from the danger.

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