Chapter XLVII

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This will take place after Noctis receives Titan and Ramuh's blessing. Also, sorry for the quick rundown of information here at the beginning.

The days rolled by quickly and the group found themselves taking down imperial bases. After returning to Lestallum in search of answers behind the prince's headaches, they ran into Ardyn, who then took them to meet the Archeon. One thing led to the next and Noctis was receiving not only Titan's blessing, but Ramuh's as well. Yet, through the entirety of it all, Ardyn would show his face, even if only to torment Lorelai. He was the reason she saw her mother's face at every turn. He would make himself or others look like Ailey, the late queen of Siderum.

No one could understand his reasons, but he continually aided them. Though at times, he would only show himself to the girl merely to try to persuade her to do his bidding. Lorelai always resisted, but the mental strain was beginning to be too much for her. No matter how much she shut him out, he always came back. Tales of Luminis, the lost city, spouted from his mouth. She knew that he wanted her to go there and that she couldn't give in, no matter what. She clung to her belief that Luminis should stay hidden.

It was the middle of the night. The gang had just wrecked another imperial base. They now gathered at a motel room, taking it easy for the remainder of the night. Having already eaten supper, Noctis stood from his seat, murmuring about cleaning up while heading to the bathroom. Ignis then got up and walked toward the door.

"I need to do a little shopping myself. See what ingredients I can procure for breakfast in the morning."

"In that case, I'll join ya," Gladio said, following the bespectacled man out the door.

Prompto looked to his girlfriend. "I think I might grab a snack. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good," she responded, stretching her arms tiredly.

"Okay, be back in a sec."

The blond flew out the door, eager to grab a bite and return to Lorelai. The girl giggled at him and laid back on the bed. She took hold of her locket and opened it, staring at her mother's picture. She always kept the locket around her neck where it was always close to her. She also still had the bracelet Prompto gave her along with the dragon wood carving. Those were some of her most treasured possessions.

"Look at you, all alone." Lorelai frowned, her eyes shifting down to the woman standing at the foot of the bed. She knew the image of her mother was fake and that it was actually Ardyn. She used to fear him, but now he annoyed her more than anything. "Are you certain you don't want to uncover the truth?"

Lorelai closed her locket and propped up on her elbows. "What truth would that be?"

Ailey's figure moved around to the side of the bed, leaning down toward the girl. "The truth about yourself. There is much you don't know." She chuckled. "But I do."

"Then why don't you just tell me?" Lorelai asked with annoyance.

Ailey grinned and chuckled again. "What fun would that be? If you want to know, you must discover it on your own."

"Pass." Lorelai flopped back onto the bed again.

"Oh? By any chance, have you ever wondered where your magic comes from?" Lorelai froze, her eyes looking over at her mother. "There is history behind that, you know."

Lorelai clenched her fists. "I don't care. It doesn't matter."

Ailey frowned. "I see your stubbornness is still present." Her voice began to deepen into Ardyn's. "I only wish you were there to witness the death of your mother." Standing up straight, Ardyn's voice went back to Ailey's as he feigned his distress. "Oh, Lorelai, how could you leave me?!"

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