Chapter XIII

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"Hey, guys?" Lorelai nervously said. "I think it's time we split up for a bit."

"WHAT?!" Prompto screeched. "How come?!"

Lorelai rubbed her arm and glanced out at the road. "It's just... There's something I need to do... alone." She looked over each of them, a small smile on her lips. "It's just for a little bit. I'll meet back up with you guys later."

"Does this have anything to do with the friend you met with yesterday?" Ignis questioned.

Lorelai nodded. "Yeah, it does. There's somewhere I have to go. But fortunately for you guys, I also learned where you can find another tomb."

"And where's that?" Noctis asked, crossing his arms.

"The Balouve Mines," Lorelai answered. "It can be found in Leide, southeast of Longwythe Peak. You guys can go after the tomb while I take care of my own mission. Then we can meet back up in Lestallum or something."

Gladio sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with her. "I guess that will allow us to take care of two things at once. Let's get our stuff together and head out."

The four men made sure they had everything packed up in the Regalia while Lorelai checked over her things. The guys were reluctant to let the girl leave on her own, but they knew she could take care of herself. Prompto was torn between the two. He always traveled with his friends, but he didn't want Lorelai to go by herself either. He was somewhat shocked by the decision he came to. He slowly walked back over to where Lorelai stood, the other three watching him questioningly.

"Lora..." he paused briefly, his blue orbs locking onto the girl. "I... I wanna go with you." It was silent and no one said a word. "I know you may not want me to, but I wanna help you out."

"Prompto, you sure about this?" Noctis asked, going over and placing a hand on the blond's shoulder.

Prompto grinned back at the prince. "Course I'm sure! Besides, you guys can handle finding a tomb without me." He looked at Lorelai again. "So, how 'bout it, Lora?"

Lorelai laughed lightly. "Alright, fine, you can come too. It's not like I can stop you. Just don't get in the way, okay." She winked, joking with her last comment.

Prompto saluted. "Yes, ma'am." The blond excitedly grabbed a few of his things from the car.

With his three friends climbing into the Regalia, Gladio was the first to say something, "I think you just wanna go to be alone with Lora." He smirked.

Prompto's face turned red. "D-Do not!" he quietly argued, relieved that Lorelai was out of earshot.

Noctis copied Gladio's smirk. "Don't do anything I wouldn't."

Ignis sighed at the other two's childish behavior. "Just remember, Prompto, this is something obviously very important to Lora. Take it seriously and try to keep your hormones in check."

Prompto only nodded and pursed his lips, his blush apparent. He backed away from the Regalia, waving to his friends as they left the parking lot and drove down the road. Lorelai also waved to them as they sped by. Prompto turned and approached the girl again.

"Alright, Prompto, I suggest you rent a chocobo," Lorelai told him, resting her hands on her hips. "They're going to be our transportation for now."

"Awesome! I love chocobos!" Prompto grinned and walked alongside the girl.

"Me too! They're sooo cute, aren't they?!"

Prompto paid at the Rent-a-Bird and a yellow chocobo came to his side. He pet its head and looked at Lorelai. "Aren't you gonna rent one too?"

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