Chapter XXIX

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Everyone peered out the side of the car as it parked next to the Post. There were a lot of decorations and people everywhere, more than usual. Most of the visitors wore chocobo shirts or other accessories.

"Wow, look at all the people!" Talcott exclaimed.

"Why are there so many dressed up?" Noctis curiously asked. "I've never seen so many visitors here."

"It's the chocobo races," Iris explained. "Once a year, they have a big competition. People from all over come to watch or participate. That's why Talcott and I wanted to come."

Climbing out of the car, Lorelai went straight through the bunches of people to where the chocobos were. Her friends followed her, soon catching sight of the black bird among the yellow ones. Other people were there too, admiring the rare breed. Lorelai lightly pushed past them.

"Eclipse!" she called, leaning against the fence. The chocobo perked her head up, chirped, and hurried over. Eclipse nuzzled against the girl who pet her affectionately. "Good to see you again, girl!"

"A black chocobo!" Talcott said with a gasp. "I've read a bit about them in grandpa's notebook! They're sooo rare!"

Lorelai looked back at the surprised expressions on her friend's faces. "Oh, right. I forgot that Prompto's the only one who's been introduced to my feathered friend. Guys, this is Eclipse, my chocobo."

"A black chocobo," Gladio muttered in surprise.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Lorelai said, petting the bird's head. "I helped raise her here at the Post. Wiz looks after her for me when I'm not taking her with me."

"Astounding," Ignis stated. "I've never seen a black chocobo in captivity before."

"You thinking of competing in the races with her?" Iris asked her.

Lorelai shrugged. "Maybe."

"Well if it ain't Lorelai and the boys." Everyone turned to see Wiz. "Real nice to see y'all again. Maybe you could help out."

"What's the matter?" Noctis asked.

"Well, we're havin' a bit of a problem," he explained. "There's a real vicious yellowtooth hangin' 'round these parts. Its whole maw has turned crimson. We've been callin' it the bloodtooth, sorta like that bloodhorn reported in Leide. And if we can't get rid of it, the races will have to be postponed for the safety of the birds and the people."

"Have any other hunters gone after it?" Gladio asked.

"One did," Wiz replied. "But he came back unsuccessful and with his arm torn to shreds."

"Is he okay?" Ignis questioned.

"He'll recover. He went back to Meldacio to do just that. But I don't s'pose y'all'd like to give us a hand and take care of that pest."

"I'll do it," Lorelai volunteered. "Anything for the chocobos."

"Great!" Wiz happily responded. "I knew I could count on ya, Lora. How's about I give ya a role in the races as thanks?"

"Oh, you don't have to do that," she nervously replied. "I'm happy to help."

Wiz chuckled. "I'll see what I can do. Best of luck to ya."

"Lora, you sure you wanna go after that thing?" Prompto asked once the man was out of earshot. "Sounds pretty dangerous."

She nodded. "I know, I'm still going. This is my chance to try out my magic."

Gladio quietly spoke with Iris away from the others. He instructed her and Talcott to stay at the Post. They could have fun and see the chocobos while the others took the hunt. Iris smiled and led Talcott away to check out the shop. The five then headed out.

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