Chapter XLV

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Lorelai and Prompto panted, taking a few moments to catch their breaths and down a couple of potions. The corpses of killer wasps, mushussu, and a cockatrice littered the ground around them. Many of the monsters had killed each other in the battle, but Lorelai and Prompto happened to be caught up in their quarrels and were forced to fight as well. Thanks to the potions, the cuts and scrapes they had acquired in the battle healed right up.

"Looks like we did it," Lorelai said after a few moments. "I think that was all of the monsters causing the problems."

"Finally!" Prompto groaned. "I thought that'd never end! There were so many!"

Lorelai looked up at the orange sky. "That did take quite a while. The sun's already setting. Daemons will be out soon."

"Which means we've gotta get outta here before then. Isn't there a haven nearby?"

"I believe so."

The two hurried away from the swamp and toward the glowing runes of the haven in the distance. There, they saw a motorcycle parked on the dirt road next to the haven.

"Huh, that's weird," Lorelai stated, scanning the area. "There's a motorcycle, but I don't see any signs that anyone is staying here."

"Yeah," Prompto agreed. "Maybe someone simply... forgot it?"

Lorelai frowned. "Or perhaps... they were killed." She examined the bike. "It's in good condition, and it even has the key still in it. I don't think anyone left it here of their own free will." The sound of thunder caught her attention and she turned her gaze to the cloudy, darkening sky above. "This is our ticket back to Meldacio. We can't stay at the haven or else we'll be sleeping in the rain and going hungry for the night."

All light steadily faded from the sky and the sounds of daemons emerging in the surrounding area could be heard. Prompto nodded in agreement and replied, "Alright. You drive, I'll keep daemons off our backs."

Lorelai climbed onto the bike with Prompto behind her, summoning his gun. It took the girl a moment to realize that she'd never driven anything like that before. She nervously glanced back at the blond.

"Uh, Prompto, I-I don't know how to drive a motorcycle."

The gunman stared at her, dumbfounded. "What? Really?" She shook her head, blushing in embarrassment. "Well I can. Switch places." The girl gladly got off, letting her boyfriend scoot up while she took the space behind him. He turned the key and started up the engine. "Hope you've got a way of keeping the daemons off us," he said, glancing back at her.

She smiled, summoning her scythe in one hand. "You just leave that to me."

She imbued her weapon with her light, causing the blades to glow white. She then formed a small orb that hovered over them, emitting a bright light like a beacon. Prompto got going, following the dirt path. The two sped along on the motorcycle, the noise attracting unwanted attention. While things like iron giants were too slow to keep up with them, persistent little imps and goblins were the opposite. A few tried jumping at them as they drove by. Fortunately, Lorelai was quick to knock them away with her scythe or a light wall.

In the bike's headlight, Prompto caught sight of a group of small daemons jumping through the trees ahead of them. "Uh, Lora, we got a situation!"

Lorelai saw the enemies overhead. With one hand gripping onto Prompto's shoulder, the girl slowly stood up, keeping a hold on the boy so she wouldn't fall. She tossed her scythe, sending it spinning and slicing through the creatures in the trees before disappearing for her to resummon. The daemons that dodged her weapon fell down around them. Lorelai erected a barrier of light over them, keeping the monsters from falling on them.

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