Chapter IX

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"LORA!!!" Prompto screamed at the top of his lungs. He quickly looked to the others. "Guys, we've gotta get her down! What do we do?!"

"Calm down," Ignis told him, his tone calm and collected. "Notice how the beast circles. It isn't leaving Ravatogh."

"Which means we've got a chance of getting Lorelai back down," Noctis added.

Gladio sighed in annoyance. "She wouldn't be in this mess if she'd just listen to us."

Ignis pushed up his glasses with a small sigh. "Indeed. She reminds me of two other people who act without thinking." He gave Noctis and Prompto an accusing glance before his expression turned serious again. "I have an idea. Prompto, can you hit it from here?"

"Well, yeah, but my bullets don't even affect it," he answered matter-of-factly.

"Not on its body, but on its face maybe. Think you can get a bull's-eye from this distance?"

The blond grinned at the bespectacled man. "Oooh, I see what you're getting at. One bull's-eye comin' right up."

Prompto took aim up at the bird. He followed it with his eyes for a few moments before finally pulling the trigger. A single bullet sped through the air like lightning, piercing the eye of the airborne monster. The zu let out a screech, dropping Lorelai's scythe as it staggered through the air, trying to right itself. Lorelai let out a scream as she plummeted, her weapon disappearing as she got closer and closer to the ground below.

The zu was also losing altitude. The massive monster was partially blinded and ended up crashing headfirst into the large rocks that surrounded the area. With Lorelai now within range, Noctis threw his weapon and warped up to the girl. She hastily grabbed onto him, clinging to his side as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He then warped to the ground, landing safely on his feet.

He released Lorelai who, in turn, let go of him and sighed in relief. "Thanks, Noctis." He gave a faint smile in response.

Not far from them laid the zu, slumped against the bloodied rocks it had collided into. Gladio bravely approached the dying beast. He climbed up its beak and stood atop its head. He raised his sword up high and drove it down into the monster's head, putting the beast out of its misery. He pulled his greatsword from the creature's skull, letting it disperse. He then marched over to Lorelai, who still caught her breath after the terrifying experience.

"What were you thinking?" he questioned her, crossing his arms and scowling. His tone let the girl know that he was angry. "Were you trying to get yourself killed? Lorelai, when you're in a team, you don't recklessly rush into a fight without even listening to your comrades. You put yourself and everyone else in danger."

Lorelai was stunned by his words. Talking with Gladiolus before, he had seemed pretty nice, but now, he had an intimidating side that matched his physique. Lorelai knew he was right though.

"I'm... I'm sorry." She turned her face away and rubbed her arm. "I never meant for any of you to get hurt." She looked up at the muscular male. "I just... I couldn't let you guys risk your lives for something that doesn't mean a thing to you. I fought the zu before and lost because I didn't finish it off quickly enough. Three hunters have already lost their lives up here, I wasn't going to let you four join them."

Noctis placed a hand on Gladio's shoulder, his deep blue eyes locked onto the girl. "I understand what you mean. I'm a prince, I've always had people risking life and limb for me. But when you have friends fighting by your side, it's not because they have to, it's because they want to. When you're in a team, you all fight for the same thing."

Ignis smiled slightly. "You're our friend and comrade now, Lora. We will gladly take risks to help you."

Prompto grinned and nodded. "Yeah, which means finding your necklace is important to us too."

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