Chapter IV

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Gladio carefully sat the girl in a fold out chair. She fumbled through her pouch, realizing she didn't have the item she needed. "Don't tell me I really forgot to bring elixirs," she complained to herself.

"No problem," Noctis said, "we've got some." He grabbed an elixir from a small pack and handed it to the girl.

Lorelai gratefully took it and drank every drop. She could feel the curative already taking effect. She lifted her injured leg up, resting her foot on the chair while she examined the bite wounds. Her stockings had holes ripped in them from the teeth of the voretooth that bit her, but they only added to the small rips in her pants leg that covered her left leg. The injury had mostly stopped bleeding. The healing would be gradual, but it would slowly work its magic.

"Hey, thanks for helping me out back there," Lorelai said, smiling at the four guys standing around her. "Those voretooths picked the worst possible moment to catch me off guard."

Prompto laughed lightly. "It's what we do. Killing stuff and saving the day is all part of our job." His laughter ceased and he frowned slightly. "So, your leg gonna be okay?"

Lorelai waved a hand dismissively. "This is nothing. One time, I got a seadevil fang lodged in my arm. Took forever to get it out and it hurt like crazy." She paused, realizing something crucial. "Oh, where are my manners? My name's Lorelai, by the way. But you can call me Lora for short."

Prompto grinned, speaking before anyone else, "My name's Prompto."

"Ignis," the bespectacled man stated simply.

"Gladiolus." The muscular man pointed a thumb to himself.

"I'm Noctis." The raven-haired guy had a dull tone to his voice.

Lorelai gasped, recognizing his name. "Y-You're Prince Noctis," she stuttered out, shocked to find the prince of Lucis out in the wilderness. She bowed her head slightly. "It's an honor to meet you in person."

Noctis sighed and crossed his arms. "You... don't have to be so formal."

"Alright, Your Highness," she replied in a teasing tone, a small smirk on her lips. "As you wish."

He rolled his eyes. Ignis cleared his throat to get her attention. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here? Are you a hunter?"

The girl nodded. "That I am. Lestallum requested that griffin be hunted. It was causing trouble on the road."

"So, you'll be going back to Lestallum to report it then," Gladio stated, placing a few more chairs out. "What a coincidence, we're heading there ourselves. Guess we'll all be going there together in the morning."

"Morning?" Lorelai questioned, noticing the sunset beyond the trees. "On second thought, I should head on back now." She struggled to her feet. "I've got friends waiting for me."

"They will have to wait for you until morning," Ignis said, going over and placing a hand on her shoulder. He lightly pushed her back down in her seat. "It's too dangerous to travel the roads at night, and your leg hasn't healed yet. Camping is our only option."

Lorelai gulped, internally terrified. She kept a calm expression, not wanting those four to find out her fear. She instead slipped her phone out of her pocket and sent a message to Iris.

Hey, Iris, I'm okay but I'm being delayed. I won't be back until morning.

She put her phone away and watched the boys set up a tent and a cooking table. Gladio got a fire going and took a seat along with Noctis and Prompto. Ignis walked over to the cooking table and got to work on fixing a meal. Prompto sat right next to Lorelai, staring at her. He examined her features. Her long, black hair was pulled over to one side and her eyes were a vibrant green with bits of blue in them. But her face in general is what got him the most. She had the prettiest face he'd ever seen.

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