Chapter XXXII

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"And that wraps up this year's annual chocobo races!" Lorelai announced into her microphone. "I'm your host, Chocolai, signing out with a 'kweh'."

Prompto stared dreamily at Lorelai up in front of everyone. He paid more attention to her than the actual races. His best friend stood beside him, grumpily muttering to himself. The prince had come in fourth place, just out of reach of the third place prize. Although he did happen to notice Prompto hum in content as he watched Lorelai.

"Look at you," he said, catching the blond's attention. "You've been in a rather good mood today."

Gladio chuckled from behind them. "Whatever happened with you two last night must've been real special."

Prompto blushed in embarrassment. "I guess you could say that."

"I think you two should spend more time together," Iris added with a smile. "I'm sure she'd like that."

"You think so?" the gunman asked.

"The two of you do seem to have excellent chemistry," Ignis pointed out.

Prompto smiled. "Yeah, I guess so."

The crowds began clearing out. Lorelai rode Eclipse over to walk alongside her friends. "Well, now the races are officially over," she said. "Sorry you didn't win, Noct."

He crossed his arms, still a bit angry about the subject. "I was so close too."

"Cheer up, Noct," Iris chimed in. "There's always next time."

The prince continued to sulk all the way back to the caravan. Iris called Dustin to come pick her and Talcott up. After Lorelai took Eclipse back to her pen, she changed and returned the chocobo costume to Wiz, who thanked her and paid her for all the help. She then went back over to her friends, noticing that many people were beginning to pack up and leave since the races had concluded.

"Hey, I'm going to go get a smoothie. Anyone want to come with me?"

Prompto immediately jumped up with a grin. "I'll go!"

They looked to the others, but they all had an excuse. Gladiolus was going to spend time with his little sister, Talcott wanted to chat with Noctis about the royal tombs, and Ignis claimed to have some shopping to do. So Lorelai and Prompto walked over to a table and sat down, both ordering a Green Smoothie. Prompto knew that the others were mostly making something up just so he could be alone with Lorelai. He wondered if the girl saw through their plan or not. After getting their smoothies, Prompto thought it only right to say something.

"Too bad the others couldn't join us," he said, trying to make small talk.

Lorelai sipped a bit of her smoothie and smiled. "Oh, I don't mind either way. I enjoy spending time with all of you, but to tell you the truth, you're my closest friend."

The blond grinned happily. "Really? I'M your closest friend?"

She giggled. "How could you not be? Look at all you've done for me." Her expression turned a bit more serious. "You've helped me move on from my past. You've shown me that I gained as much as I lost, and that I can always count on you guys. Even now, you're helping me conquer my fears and get stronger. Granted, the others did have a hand in all this too, but you've been the biggest help."

Prompto smiled briefly before frowning and holding out his arm. "Aside from the guys, you're the only one I've ever told of my birthplace." He moved his arm bands up slightly to show her the barcode on his skin before covering it again. "I still couldn't believe how easily I let it slip. It's not exactly something I like for people to know. Just goes to show how easy you are to talk to, Lora."

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