Chapter XIX

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Lorelai's eyes opened and she realized she was lying on a bed. She turned her head, seeing Ignis cooking while Prompto sat on the other bed. Looking around, she recognized the interior of a caravan. She figured they must have rented it for the night.

"Lora, you're up," Prompto said, sending her a smile. "You passed out for a moment there."

"You should take an elixir to restore your energy," Ignis told her, still stirring the pot in front of him.

Lorelai's eyes landed on the curative lying on the bedside table next to her. She slowly sat up and took it, gulping it down. She instantly felt much better. She carefully scooted to the edge of the bed. Prompto hurriedly got up and took her arm, helping her to her feet.

"Take it easy now," the blond said.

Lorelai smiled. "Thanks. Is everybody okay?"

"Perfectly fine," Ignis answered. "Your barrier kept everyone safe. Fortunately, the lights were repaired just in time."

The girl's memory was refreshed upon hearing that. She remembered that her light wall was shattered, and that Emma was by her side when it happened. "I... I still can't believe I managed to do that," she muttered, glancing down at her hands. "I've never created a barrier that big before. Though its light was dulled so much that the daemons weren't even afraid."

"Still, if it weren't for your magic wall, we all would've been done for," Prompto stated. "Plus, it was still really awesome." He grinned.

"By the way, Noct and Gladio are outside, along with that child you rescued," Ignis informed her.

Lorelai smiled and rushed past the two and out the door. She immediately saw Emma and her mother with her other two friends. Emma's eyes landed on Lorelai, and the young girl ran to her, hugging her leg.

"Lady, you're okay! I was so worried about you!"

Lorelai smiled and kneeled down to look at the girl, placing her hands on the child's shoulders. "Emma, I'm fine. And you can call me Lorelai instead of lady."

Emma nodded. "Okay, Lorelai! Thank you for saving us! Mommy told me that you hunters would keep us safe, and you did! You're my hero! I wanna be just like you one day!"

Called by her mother, Emma walked over and took her hand. The pair walked away, waving back at Lorelai and the boys. Lorelai stood and waved back, her smile faltering. Prompto laughed, approaching the girl's side.

"She really looks up to you, huh?"

The raven-haired girl hung her head down. "Yeah, but I'm no hero."

"Nonsense." Noctis came over, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You saved a lot of people tonight. That's no small feat."

"I guess."

"C'mon, Iggy's probably about done with supper," Gladio said, walking past the group.

Everyone headed back inside and enjoyed one of Ignis's delectable meals before bed. That night, Lorelai found herself trapped in another nightmare. She didn't know why she was being plagued with dreams involving her past. It seemed like ever since she started hanging around the guys, those nightmares kept haunting her. Her current dream was a replay of the night Siderum fell to Niflheim. The death of the queen and guardian dragon, the entire kingdom sinking beneath the sea, darkness blanketing the sky, the young princess alone in a foreign land - it all occurred exactly as it did ten years ago.

"Stop it!" Lorelai screamed as she jolted out of her dream.

The boys were startled awake, Prompto tumbling onto the floor with Noctis nearly following. "What?!" the blond yelled in surprise.

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