Chapter XLI

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Prompto lifted Lorelai up into his arms, carrying her away from the Regalia. The group walked along the path of Cape Caem. Nearing the edge of the cape where Purnima rested, they spotted five people along with the dragon. Cor, Iris, Talcott, Dustin, and Monica all turned to look at the ones approaching.

"Marshal, I didn't expect to see you here," Ignis said.

"I heard about the dragon that caused the tremors," he explained. "Came to see for myself. Monica filled me in on everything." His eyes fixed on the girl in the gunman's arms. "I know about Lorelai's connection with the beast. Speaking of which, what's going on? Is Lorelai alright?"

"Her magic was sapped out of her," Noctis told him. "We brought her to Purnima hoping she could heal her."

"Lori!" Iris cried, rushing to the weakened girl.

"Is Miss Lorelai going to be okay?" Talcott asked with worry, crowding by Iris.

"I'll be... fine..." Lorelai managed to say.

Dustin and Monica ushered the two back to the house, not wanting them to bear witness to what may happen. Cor stayed though, wanting to know the outcome of the ordeal. Deep down, he was a bit worried that he may lose the girl he trained for two years. Though he'd never admit it, he had a soft spot for her, seeing her like the daughter he never had. Prompto slowly walked past the others and toward the dragon. Purnima's eyes opened and she lifted her head. Her own fading life force was all too evident in the dim glow emitted from her body.

"Lorelai," she said.

Prompto gazed up at the dragon. "Please, you've gotta help her. We don't know what else to do."

Purnima's eyes softened at the boy's pleas. "Bring her closer." Purnima held out a clawed hand. Prompto looked at it and moved closer. He gently laid Lorelai into the dragon's large palm. The beast lowered her head to stare down at the girl. "Lorelai, I will give you the rest of my light. Let your body be healed."

Purnima's claw began to glow white and the light it produced absorbed into the girl's body. Lorelai gasped lightly and her eyes widened ever so slightly. She turned her head, looking straight toward Prompto and the others.

"N-No... Stop her... Don't let her do this."

No one moved, not responding to the girl's plea. Soon enough, all of the dragon's light had been depleted. Her scaly body was now a dull grey color. Lorelai, on the other hand, steadily sat up, rejuvenated by the creature's light. She carefully climbed off Purnima's hand, watching as the dragon's head lowered until it sat upon the ground. Even the light in the beast's eyes had faded to a pale blue-grey.

"Purnima..." Lorelai quietly said with disbelief. "Why? Why would you give up your life to save mine?"

"Because I've lived long enough with no hope of recovering from Siderum's fall. But you - it wasn't your time to die yet. You have your whole life ahead of you, surrounded by ones who care deeply for you. That was your mother's wish, and I'd gladly give my life to respect that."

"But..." Lorelai approached Purnima's head, falling to her knees in front of her. "You were my only family left - the only connection I had left of the past." Tears were beginning to spill from her eyes. "What am I supposed to do without you?"

A tired smile spread across the dragon's lips. "I know you'll be fine. You have many people here to support you." Her smile faded. "I need to tell you something I should've told you before. Listen well. I believe the reason that man Ardyn, as you call him, seeks your power is to unlock Luminis, an ancient city resting somewhere below Lucis. Be wary and never give him that power, or else all of Eos may fall to his might."

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