She Keeps Me At Bay.

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Sonya Above

Ryan POV

I carry Kyle and Nadia to my room and lay them down on the bed. I walk back downstairs, "What's wrong with you?" I ask Jacob as I sit down beside him.

He looks up and sigh, "Nothing, just thinking." I look at one of the maids, "Tell Olivia I said come here." She bows her head and walk off after that. "Do each of y'all have a woman of your own?" I look at him with an arch eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He pushes his glasses up on his face, "Eric has Lana, Steven have someone that we don't know about, and you have Olivia. Is there a reason why you each of you have a woman by your side?"

I look around before saying anything, "I'm going to tell you my reason why have a woman by my side before Olivia come in. For some reason I'm less reckless when I'm around someone I have most of my attention on. It's like Olivia can keep me at bay, but when we're together we come at each other's neck." As soon as I finish up my reason Olivia comes in.

"Your reason for calling me?" I pull her in my lap and she lets out a long sigh, "Me and Jacob just talking, and I needed to see what you been up to. Have you been a good girl?" She faces me and glares at me, "I am a grown woman, I don't need no one checking up on me like I'm some damn kid."

Jacob starts laughing, "Y'all really don't get along." Maya walks in and I drop my head, "What do you need Maya?" Olivia looks at her and rolls her eyes, "I was coming to look for Olivia, she hasn't finished her cleaning for today." I look at Olivia and she shows me a little smirk, "Master called me over, I must drop everything I'm doing and come to him."

She say every word sarcastically as she looks at me with an evil smirk, "Maya finish up her cleaning assignment for today. Thank you." Maya mouth drop and gasp, "But sir, that's no-." I glare at her and she quickly closes her mouth, "Can you repeat that for me? I didn't hear you."

Maya looks at her feet, "Nothing, sir. I'll get it done right away." Jacob once again starts laughing, "Back to what we were saying. Eric has a woman by his side so he can have someone who would laugh with him. Eric is that childish, don't ask."

Olivia looks at me, "You're telling me that you kidnapped Lana for Eric just because he needed a woman by his side. What happened if it didn't work out? What were y'all going to do?" I squeeze Olivia thigh and she squeals, "I'm talking to Jacob, but to answer your question, we would have sent Lana back home."

Her mouth drops, "Why am I here?! I'm always by your side, aren't I?!" I look up at the ceiling and then back at her with a teasing look, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Before she could talk everybody else come in the kitchen.

The girls all give Jacob a hug, "Why the hell is Jacob so popular?! What about my hug?!" Eric says as he lightly push Jacob, "No one wants to give you a damn hug." Olivia says under her breath, but we all heard her. Everybody laughs except for Eric, "I really don't like you." Olivia gives him a fake smile, "Good, that means we're both on the same page."

Maya and some maids come in with our lunch. "How was the little meeting?" Ava ask as she pass out everybody a plate, "It was good. The best part was when Steven and them threw up." I glare at Jacob and Steven throws some food at him.

"Why did y'all throw up?" Olivia ask as she eats some of her food, "Kyle pooped and they threw up when they smelt it." Eric shakes his head, "No, me and Steven didn't throw up until Ryan threw up. Ryan threw up from the smell, not us."

Olivia looks at me, "How do you have a weak stomach towards poop? You shoot people in the heads for a living." I roll my eyes, "It's different. You really had to say something, Jacob." Jacob holds his hands up in surrender and laugh, "My bad."

I roll my eyes, "Girls y'all can be done for today. Olivia don't go in the room until I say so." He mouth drops, "What?! Why not?! What about Kyle?!" I rub my face out of annoyance, "I will have Kyle with me, go with them."

I squeeze her butt and she squeals, "Just know I said a lot things to you in my head." I put my hand over my heart, "Oh no, my heart is so broken." She rolls her eyes and storm off. "The fact that you two argue everyday just bring me joy." I hold the finger up at Steven and he laughs.

"Lets go to the planning room." We walk to the planning room and sit down. I stand in front of the map. "Her last place was Florida. The only thing we found there was Nadia. She didn't leave no hints or anything."

All of a sudden my phone starts ringing. I put it on speaker, "Hey Fred, what's up."

"She kidnapped another girl she's around the same age as y'all. Her name is Sonya and she is coming your way now." My mouth drop, "What?! Why?! We already have enough people here. We really don't need anymore." He clears his throat, "Take the woman in or I'll take something away from you." I look at Steven and he holds his hands up, "Don't drag me in it."

I look at Jacob, "She will be under your care from now on. Have fun." He rolls his eyes and laugh, "I forgot to tell you one more thing. She's mouthy as hell." I quickly shake my head, "No! Fred! No! We already have a mouthy one here, we really don't need another one! Send her somewhere else!"

"Nope, talk to y'all later." He hangs up after that and I bang my head on the board, "We already have a mouthy person. It's already hard to deal with Olivia." Eric rubs my back, "You'll get through it, good luck." He starts laughing and I push him away from me by his head.

"Please don't be as mouthy as Olivia."

Olivia POV


"Bless you." Ava laughs, "Someone must be talking about you." I nod my head agreeing with her, "It better be something good."

"I'm ready to lay down. Why do we have to prepare food for tomorrow? I don't want to. Where the hell did Lana go?" I look around the kitchen and she starts laughing, "Eric called for her not to long ago. I'm doing this so the maids don't have to rush in the morning."

I let out a long sigh, "I'm going to bed." She quickly looks at me, "Ryan told you not to go to the room!" I shrug my shoulders, "I really don't care what he says. Night, Ava, love you."

I walk down the hall and go to the room. I open the door and see a little girl sitting in the middle of the bed. She looks at me and then run to the bathroom. I slowly walk to the bathroom and jump when I see Ryan coming out of the bathroom shirtless while holding the little girl.

"Didn't I tell you not to come here until I call for you?" I cross my arms, "I'm tired and I'm ready to lay down." I point at the little girl, "You have an unknown kid in your arms. What's her name?"

She hides her face in his neck, "Her name is Nadia and she's five years old." Nadia slowly looks at me and I smile, "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. How about we take a nice warm bath together?" I hold my arms out and Ryan hands her to me, "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

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