Dark Jacob.

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Ryan POV

"Daddy! Daddy!" Nadia comes out of nowhere and runs into my arms. She has on a dress and she has her hair in a bun. "You look pretty Princess."

She giggles and hugs my neck, "Mommy did it for me, she told me that I will never look like a bum." I drop my head and shake my head, "Let's go find her now."

We go to the backyard and see Olivia and Maya arguing. "Why do you keep telling Nadia that Ryan loves you?!"

Maya is smirking at a furious Olivia, "Because its true." I put Nadia down and tell her to go and find Kyle. "I don't give a damn if he loves you, but don't say that in front of Nadia!" I walk up to them and Maya gives me a smile and Olivia rolls her eyes.

"You need to get your hoe ass maid and tell her to leave my babies alone!" I grab Olivia wrist and pull her towards me, "You need to stop telling me what to do and stop yelling at me like you're crazy."

She sucks her teeth and pulls her arm away from me and walks off. I look at Maya, "If Nadia comes back to me and say that you told her something inappropriate, you will be in the basement in a heartbeat." She looks at me with wide eyes. I walk off before she could say anything.

I run into Jacob as I walk back in and see a frustrated look on his face, "What's wrong with you?" We walk to the kitchen and sit down at the table, "Sonya is being a pain in my ass! She keeps going against me and it makes me want to kill her and myself."

I let out a soft laugh and rub his back, "What did she do this time?"  He runs his fingers through his hair and looks at me, "I tell her to do one thing she does the other. It's like she's doing this on purpose."

"Where is she now?" Before he could answer me, we hear a scream from the basement. "You don't even have to answer that. Just leave her down there for a while and see where that get you." He nods his head and goes upstairs.

My phone starts ringing, "Hello."

"Hey Boss, we found three wanted men. We're in a warehouse an hour and a half from the mansion." I look at the time and then go down to the basement to get Sonya, "Okay, here we come."

She gives me a confused look, "Go get in the car and stay there." She rolls her eyes and walks off. I bite my tongue to keep me from saying or doing anything to her.

I go to the game room and see Jacob, Steven, and Eric playing the game. "A group of our men found some wanted men. Let's go." Eric and Jacob groans, "I don't want to go!" They say at the same time, Steven unplugs the game and glare at them.

"Get in the damn car! We will be back soon if we leave now." They stay still and I roll my eyes, "We will stop and buy you guys a new game." They look at Steven with bright faces, "Promise us." As soon as I was about to attack Eric, Steven grabs my arm and shakes his head.

I sigh and look at the two dumbasses in front of me, "We promise." They stand up and walk out to the car, I glare at Steven. "Why are glaring at me?"

"Because every time I don't want to go you threaten me and throw me in the car, but when they don't want to go you treat them like babies." He rolls his eyes, "All three of you are childish, and plus as soon as they get their games I'm going to do something to them."

We head to the garage, "Jacob you're going to deal with one of these men at this warehouse. Sonya is coming with us, you can chain her to a chair and make her watch." He nods his head and smiles with an evil glint in his eyes.

Sonya POV

"Um, why did I have to come?" Jacob looks at me, "Because I said so." I roll my eyes and sit back in my seat. I am in the far back of SUV, I have the back row to myself.

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