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Calum needs a plan. Calum just needs to know why Michael and Calum hate each other! Better yet, make them stop hating each other. Calum also doesn't know how he can hang out with Luke when Michael is always around. Don't get him wrong, Micheal doesn't bother him at all. It's just the fact that Mike and Luke can't stand each other.

Calum might need some help with this. But from who? Calum doesn't know many people. He doesn't talk to a lot of people. He had Michael and that's about it. Well, this is one girl he talks to occasionally, but why would she help him? He decides it's worth a shot. Is this his plan? Talk to some girl he barely knows? It's all he can think of and it'll have to do. Tomorrow in chemistry he'll talk to Brandy, the girl he sometimes talk to,and see if she knows anything or if she'll help.


"Brandy! Wait up!" he yells as she walks out of the classroom. She turns around, looking a little surprised, but she waits anyways. Calum catches up to her and waves a little.

"What's up?" She asks, confused.

"We're friends, right?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess so."

"Okay, maybe we could be better friends, yeah? Well, I need your help with something. "

"Sure, what with?"

"You know my best friend, Michael Clifford? And Luke Hemmings? Well, They hate each other, you might know that too. I don't know why, but I want to. Neither of the boys will tell me though, " Calum starts.

"You want know if I know why?" She asks.

"No, that's not it. I was actually wondering if you could help me find out. But if you do know, it'd make this a lot easier. "

"Well, I don't know why, but I'll help you find out," She says smiling.


She shrugs, "Why not?"

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Calum exclaims, hugging her. His outburst causing the girl to laugh.

"It's fine. Any time, friend." Calum smiles. One new friend and soon, he'll know why Luke and Michael hate each other. And, hopefully, make them stop.

Then make Luke fall madly in love with him. That would be the dream. Although he doesn't think he'll be needing help for that. He's a very attractive and kind boy.

Oh, who am I kidding. I would need help, but the doesn't mean I'm going to ask for it. Calum thinks. Then he remembers the majority of his school, his town for that matter, is homophobic. Who could he possibly ask to help him with something like that?

A/N Sorry it's so short! I promise to try to make the chapters longer!

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