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Luke's POV 

"Hiii, Luke," Lindsey, a cheerleader, says in a flirting tone. Luke sighs, but says hello back. Don't get him wrong, he likes girls and all, but it gets a little tiring. All the flirting all the time.

Besides, he tends to prefer guys. See, Luke is pansexual, but he wouldn't tell anyone that.  There are only three people who know. Those three people are hi mom, his ex, and someone who he would do anything to have not know.

The whole school is quite homophobic, well, this whole town is. It takes a lot of courage to come out in this town.  Only one person has. Luke wants to come out, he really does, but in his last town he did and, well, he was bullied, which lead him to moving here. It's not too bad. There is some things, or people,  he doesn't like at all. But there is also some things, or people, that he really likes. Luke has to live in constant fear that the third person who knows his little secret will spread it to the whole school. He is surprised they haven't already.  

As Luke is walking to his car, he sees Calum. Strange, he isn't with Michael.  Those two are practically joined at the hip. If Luke didn't know any better, he'd think they were dating. He is actually really curious as why he isn't with Michael. Then he sees Brandy, his cousin. She likes Calum? Luke will have to talk to her.


Later that day Luke decides to give Brandy a call.

"Hey, cuz," She says as she answers the phone.

"Hey, loser. So I saw you with Calum today. What's with that?" The blonde ask, smirking a little.

"First, wipe that smirk off your face." -Luke rolls his eyes at that- "Don't roll your eyes. Second, stop being a stalker and third, we are just friends. He has his eyes on someone else." Of course she knew the boy was smirking and that he rolled my eyes. She knows practically everything about him. They've always been oddly close.

"Oh, do you know who?" She pauses, probably biting her lip.

"Can't say, sorry, dork. Why do you wanna know anyway?"  He doesn't really know why. Does he? A thought occurs to him. Could he like Calum?

"Brands, can I tell you something?" Luke asks his cousin, using the nickname he made for her when they were little.

"What is it?" She asks, her voice full with concern.

"I'm pansexual," He says, not really audible.  "I'm pansexual,"  he repeat when she asks him to speak up. For a minute he thinks she hung up for a moment. She probably hates me, he thinks.  Then, he hears a squeal. "Ow!"

"You're pan?!? That's basically gay which means you can be my gay best friend!  Who all knows?!?"

"Okay, pan isn't basically gay so I can't be your gay best friend," she sighs, "But I can be your pan best friend," she squeals again, "Stop squealing! Anyways you, my mom, my ex boyfriend,  and one other person knows."

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