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Michael's POV

   "Hey, Karm," I start, opening my little sister's door. She's only a year younger than me, but I constantly remind of it. What I don't expect to see when I open the door is Karma making out with Cheyenne's best friend, Lia. "What the hell?!?" I yell. No way. No fucking way. This can't be happening. No. Next you'll tell me Calum is gay and likes Luke.

   "Michael! " Karma looks shocked to see me, like I don't live here.

   "Lia, get out of my house. I don't need you here, spreading your- your disease to my sister! Don't you ever come near her, or me, again!" I scream at her. I can be a little scary when I'm mad- no furious,  which is why she immediately runs out of the house after mouthing something to Karma. I turn back to my sister. "Why? Why would you ever be like- like that! A queer? Or a confused? Whichever you think you are."

   "Think? Whichever I think I am? I'm not 'a confused' or 'a queer' and I don't think I'm anything.  I know I like girls and guys. Why are you such a homophobic asshole anyways?!? Mom and dad are not like that!"

   "It's wrong to like the same gender! It's disgusting! No sister of mine will be that way!"

  "Then I am not your sister." With that, Karma was shoving me out of her room and slammed the door in my face


   "Okay, what's wrong?" Cheyenne and I were hanging out at a small café.  It's strange. How well she can read me.

   "What do you mean?" She gives me her, don't give me that shit, look, causing me to sigh. "You're little friend, Lia, is spreading her disease."

   "Her disease?" She asks, confused.


   "Is she confused? Or a fag? Did you know? Why didn't you tell me? How can you stand being near her?"

   "Excuse me? You do realize that is my best friend you're talking about,  right? She is not confused, she is not a-a I can't even say that word. She's bisexual, and yes I did know. I didn't think her being bi would effect you. And how can I stand her? Michael, she's always there for me.  Why would say those things? You barely know her!  Are you seriously homophobic? Of course. You were perfect. Too perfect. Of course you had to have some flaw. Jesus Christ. I'm sorry, Mikey. but I can't date someone who's homophobic and would talk shit about my best friend.  I'm breaking up with you. Sorry." Then she left. Just like that. Two of the most important girls in my life don't want anything to do with me. They hate me. I don't understand what I did wrong. I groan and rub my face.


   "Wow. You sure as hell fucked up." I just told Calum the whole story.

   "It's not my fault! Being gay or bi or whatever is just wrong. Men belong with women. That's just how it works! I can't believe I was dating someone who supports gay people. But, I miss her. Damn it, I already miss her." Calum doesn't say anything.  He just shifts, almost uncomfortably. "You alright, mate?" I ask. After a moment of slience, Calum spoke up. This may have been the worst day of my life. The words that came out of Calum's mouth were words I had hoped to never hear.

   "Michael, I'm gay."


A/N So. This chapter was extremely hard for me to write. Michael's opinions are not mine. Although, Cheyenne's(literally me) are mine. The reason this chapter was hard to write was the amount of homophobia that is in it. As I 100% support gay rights, I rather not type these things, but it's important for the story. This chapter is necessary.

"I hate the word homophobia. You're not scared, you're an asshole" - Morgan Freeman

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