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Marinette's POV
There are multiple chapters where I spell Marinette wrong. If you comment on them I will punch all of you. I am editing now so shush.

I tiredly copy notes from the bored the best I can. Hawkmoth had me up really late with two Akuma's last night. I barely had enough time for homework. Let's just say, I got at most three hours of sleep.

Suddenly, I noticed a blond streak flash by the classroom window. Soon enough Adrien ran through the doors handing the teacher a late slip. He looks just as tired as I feel. I wonder what he was doing last night.

I watch as he takes a seat at his usual spot in front of me. He whispers something to Nino before taking out his notebook. I notice drawings as he flipped through his notebook. I couldn't make out what they were though.

"Mari?" Alya whispers gaining my attention, "quit staring you don't want to fail the test Friday."

"I know," I whisper back, "but I want to know what's wrong? He looks beat."

"He probably just couldn't sleep, Mari," Alya assures me, "don't think too much about it."

"I'll try," I sigh looking back at the board to see all the notes I missed.

The ball rang an hour later. It was finally time for lunch. I love lunch break. There's nothing better than going home to fresh croissants everyday. I gather all my things to leave.


My back tenses as I recognize the voice. I shove my last book in my bag before looking up at Adrien. He smiles tiredly at me. My heart is beating too fast for this confrontation right now.

"A-Adrien! H-Hi!" I stutter feeling an internal face palm happening.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your notes from the beginning of class," he explains. "I'd ask Nino but he takes terrible notes."

"Oh um sure um," I mumble taking my notebook out again.

"Thank you so much," he exclaims smiling brighter this time.

"Any-Anytime," I nod handing him my notebook and hoping he doesn't see my blush.

"I'll give it back after lunch," he assures me waving before walking away.

My mind nearly explodes when he's out of sight. He's never really talked to me before and now he has a reason to talk to me again. This day is great. Maybe I can find out what was wrong this morning.

"Mari?" Alya calls waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yes! Yes?" I say snapping out of my daydream.

"Are we going to lunch or what?" She asks with an amused grin on her face.

"Yeah of course," I nod throwing my back over my shoulder and heading out of the classroom with her.


Alya and I decided to have a picnic at the park across from the school today. After we got our food we ran back here and set everything up. It was really fun. Alya wrote somethings in her Ladyblog that she told me all about. I just loved her theories. If only she knew it was me. She'd never guess.

About fifteen minutes before we'd have to go back to school I notice Adrien getting dropped off. He still looked tired. I watched as his dad's assistant read him what was on her clipboard. I noticed him look over at a group of people hanging out longingly.

Was Adrien sad because he didn't have many friends? Most of the school likes him and he's quite popular. Maybe it's different knowing that they only like him because he's famous. Me, personally, I like how sweet he is to everyone. He has a little bit of "I want to save the world" in him.

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