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Another paper falls out of my locker today. This time it's two little cartoon people holding hands. I smile at it and put it in my folder before anyone else can see it.

I'm not embarrassed by the pictures. I just like the idea that it stays between Nathanael and me. They're really sweet and personal and it'd be nice to keep them to myself.


I turn to see Adrien walking over to me. I can't believe he forgave me for ditching him like I did. I also can't believe that he knows I'm going on a date with someone and hasn't asked me  about it. He's always been pretty interested in all of his friends lives.

"Oh hi," I smile grabbing my books.

"Did you want to go to that diner for lunch today? They're so good," he asks and my heart drops to my stomach.

"I uh- I actually have plans for lunch today," I admit with a frown now on my lips.

"Oh," he sighs seeming to put some things together, "your date?"

"Yeah," I nod, "um.... maybe tomorrow."

"No, it's okay," he assures me with his fake smile, "my dad booked a photo shoot for lunch tomorrow."

"Okay," I say and we start walking to class in silence.

"You really like Nathanael?" Adrien asks looking at me in a sad way.

"Ask me after lunch," I answer, "I don't know yet."

We walk into class and Nathanael is waiting by my seat. I smile at him and break away from Adrien to talk to Nathanael. He smiles at me as I get closer.

"You look nice today," he tells me.

"I thought I'd somewhat try for a school lunch date," I tease.

"How sweet," he chuckles.

"Mari?" Adrien calls in a weird tone stealing my attention. "Can Nino copy your notes? I was...." he starts and I swear he looks Nathanael straight in the eye as he says, "distracted."

"Uh yeah, sure," I nod reaching into my bags to get my notes. I hand the notebook to Adrien before turning back to Nathanael. "Is there a place you wanted to meet?"

"It can just be your locker. I don't really think you what to carry your school stuff around," he suggests.

"Okay," I smile as the teacher walks in.

The bell rings almost instantly. I go to actually sit in my seat and notice Adrien casually looking at me. I don't like the way he's staring. It oddly feels uncomfortable.

"I'll see you later, Marinette," Nathanael smiles before walking to his desk.

"Mari?" Alya calls urging me to scoot closer so she can whisper something to me. I do just that and lean in so she can tell me, "Adrien's jealous."

"No," I shake my head ending the conversation then and there.

I don't want to talk about this anymore with anyone. This is too complicated. I don't want to feel hope and then have it ripped from under me by some unstoppable force. I don't want that again.


Nathanael met me at my locker like he said and we left the school together. I didn't miss Adrien slamming his locker shut as we passed by but I also didn't second guess it. I was really excited to go out with Nathanael.

"So where are we going?" I ask once we venture a couple blocks away from the school.

"There's a cafe near the river that is just to die for," he explains moving his hands as he grows more excited, "I thought I'd take you there."

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