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The bell rings and I jump up from my seat. I've been eager to ask Adrien and Nino if they want to join Alya and me at lunch today. I thought it'd be fun plus even if Alya won't admit it I know she likes Nino.

"You seem eager."

My back tenses again as I hear his voice. Adrien is actually talking to me and he started the conversation. I turn around knowing I look flustered.

"I-I was just going to-to talk to y-you.... and Nino," I admit.

"What about?" Nino asks hearing his name.

"Alya and I thought you guys-guys would want to have lunch with uh.. us today," I tell them.

"Yeah," Alya buds in, "free croissants," she coes.

"That sounds perfect," Nino answers for both him and Adrien.

We start walking out of the classroom and out the door. Once we get outside we end up waking in twos to fit on the sidewalk. Alya walks in front of me leading the way with Nino. They get into their own conversation while Adrien and I walk behind them in silence.

"Your parents might think I'm using you for the free croissants," Adrien jokes trying to end the silence.

"Uh-Alya always comes over," I inform him, "my-my parents would probably only get m-mad if you ate like t-ten."

"They really don't mind do they?" He asks and I shake my head.

"T-they think of it more-more as having a guest over," I start to explain, "you w-wouldn't ask your g-guests to pay for snacks-snacks, w-would you?"

"My dad might," he jokes. "Your parents are really sweet by the way."

"T-Thanks," I smile.

"Marinette," Alya calls starting to walk backwards, "do you think your parents will let us bake cookies today?"

"They promised last week," I shrug.

"We get to make cookies!" Adrien exclaims and I chuckle at his reaction.

"Ye-yeah," I stutter.

I swear I see Adrien frown for a second. It quickly disappears into a smile but I swear I saw it. I don't understand why he'd be sad. Did I say something wrong? Does the stutter bother him? Oh no I'm upsetting him!

We get to the bakery and Nino opens the door for Alya. Suddenly Adrien grabs it from him and holds it for me. I smile sheepishly at him as I walk through the door.

Papa is busy with a customer so I tell Nino, Alya, and Adrien to wait at a table so I can find my mom to ask about the cookies. I find her in the kitchen kneading some dough.

"Hi, Marinette," she smiles, "where's your friend?"

"Alya is sitting down with Nino and Adrien," I tell her and she smirks. "Are we still making the cookies today? Adrien and Nino want to help."

"Yeah of course," Mama assures me, "I actually need a hand with a cupcake order too if that's not a problem."

"No, it's not," I answer leaving the kitchen to call over my friends.

Adrien sees me and tells Nino and Alya to get up. They head over to me and soon there's five people working in the kitchen. Mama gives Alya and Nino the recipe for the cookies and gives me and Adrien the one for the cupcakes. I practically glared at her when she said it. I know what she's trying to do.

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