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I wait patiently as the teacher passes out the graded tests. Nino and Adrien get their's and sport the same reaction as last time. She finally reaches Alya and me and smiles at us both.

"Thank god," I breathe out looking at the 92 written on top of my paper.

"You got a better grade than I did," Alya points out making me feel a since of pride in my gut.

Even though I was way too tired for studying the other day, Chat actually got me to concentrate. The half hour breaks of us just talking about anything helped a lot. There's something about him that makes it so easy to be around him.

"What did you guys get?" Nino asks turning both his and Adrien's attention to the two of us.

"I got a 90 and Miss Know it all got two points higher," Alya jokes slightly blushing at Nino.

"Seriously, Marinette, who's your tutor?" Nino jokes.

"Would you believe me if I said Chat Noir?" I ask raising an eyebrow and he laughs.

Adrien seems to blush slightly and Alya is just staring at Nino. Oh I want them to be together so bad. The butterflies in my stomach have been going crazy for two different people so I need a constant in my life here.

"Alright! Listen up!" The teacher says now at the front of the class, "We have about 20 minutes left of class. You can do homework or study, but no phones as always."

"What is everyone's plans for the weekend?" Nino asks grabbing his bag and placing it in front of him to search through it.

"I'm free," Alya shrugs looking at me.

"I'm free but I never know if my parents will-will need me at the shop," I tell him knowing I'd need an excuse if an Akuma attacks.

"I'm not sure. I should be but who knows what my father has planned," Adrien tells him.

"Good enough," Nino chuckles pulling out three invitations. "My birthday is Monday and I'm skipping school so I thought I'd throw a party on Sunday," he explains handing us all separate cards.

"Sounds like a plan," Alya smiles.

"Yeah this will be-"

"Marinette?" Nathanael calls from his seat interrupting Adrien.

Normally I'd be confused as to why anyone other than Alya was calling my name but I know why Nathanael is. He asked me if I could model a few paintings for him for art class. He has to do a realistic drawing of someone but the class is odd numbered and everyone else already partnered up.

"S-sorry," I blush standing up to leave, "I'll be right back."

I walk over to Nathanael nervously. I already said yes to the whole thing but now I was starting to get nervous. I know he's a great artist but he's too good. What if he wins a prize and my face is posted somewhere in the school for everyone to see. I like my small friend group.

"Hey," I greet him with a smile.

"I just wanted to know when you were free for my project," he explains.

"I'm free tomorrow and Saturday," I reply, "but for Friday it's after four. I have to help with the Friday rush."

"That's fine," he smiles sweetly," I can stop by Friday at 4:30 and do it then. It shouldn't take too long as long as I get the basics down I'll be able to finish at home if you're busy."

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