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> I was looking at fan accounts on Instagram and got inspired lol

I was just about to ring the bell when the gate opened. I turn to see Adrien's car start to drive out but stop right in front of me. I give a little wave to his driver before seeing Adrien's window open.

"Marionette?" He asks with a small smile on his lips.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm going on the school trip to Italy tomorrow," I tell him.

"Oh," he says his smile gone, "okay."

I told him that I needed some space but that we could talk so he's probably confused on what I'm doing. I've spent the last year stressing over certain things that I need a break from. Going to a new city will help.

"So um.... good luck," I say before awkwardly turning around to leave.

"Wait!" He calls and I turn around again, "we can drive you home?" He states in a certain way that sounds like a question.

"Okay," I say with a small smile.

I know it'll be awkward. Until I get over what happened it will always be awkward but I need to do this. I need to feel comfortable with him. I want to feel comfortable with him.

This is Adrien Agreste. He is the sweetest celebrity you'll ever meet. He's humble and modest and cares too much. But he's also human and I can forgive that. It just takes me a bit of time.

He opens the door for me and scoots over to the other side of the car. Adrien tells his driver where my house is and the car starts when I'm all buckled and settled inside. It's not a long drive but it's appreciated.

"How's school?" Adrien asks trying to erase the awkward silence.

"Well I'm going to Italy so pretty fun right now," I shrug. "Have you ever been? To Italy, that is."

"Yeah," he nods, "it's so beautiful there. It's like Paris but with more churches."

I laugh at that and it wasn't a fake laugh to be social. My laugh was a real laugh, something I haven't really been able to do in awhile. Adrien notices it and smiles proudly at himself.

"What's you favorite place there? Maybe we'll go to it," I ask him.

"Huh," he says pausing to think about it.

I watch him try to pick out his favorite spot in all of Italy. That would be like someone asking me what's my favorite spot in Paris. There's so many.

He goes to answer my question right when the car stops in front of the bakery. I hide a frown but thank his driver anyways and get out of the car. When I'm about to close the door Adrien stops it.

"The aqueducts," he says and I smile.

"Bye, Adri," I smile to myself.

"Bye, Mari," he smiles at me as I leave to go inside.

I watch the car drive off through the window conflicted. Am I doing the right thing? I feel like I am. Tiki even complimented me on going away when I told her but I don't know anymore.

"Marionette," Mama calls so I turn to her, "who was that that dropped you off?"

"Adrien," I tell her hesitantly.

"I thought you were mad at him," she sighs running her hand through her hair.

"I am, kind of," I shrug, "it's difficult."

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"I have homework to do," I mumble walking past her into our house.

I know I'm leaving her in the dust with all this but it's hard to talk to her about this. It was hard to tell it to Alya without exposing myself. It'd be harder to tell my mom.

But all I want to do is tell someone. Anyone.


"Mama! I'm going to be late," I call walking into the bakery. She's behind the cash register so walk over to her still barefoot. "Where's my shoes?"

"Sorry, Mari," she blushes taking of the shoes she's wearing and giving them back to me since they're mine, "couldn't find mine."

"It's fine," I shrug putting them on right away.

"You have a visitor," she tells me when I'm done pointing over to someone sitting by the door.

I immediately recognize him. I let my lips twitch up a bit before heading over to him. He turns to me right when I get close. Right away I notice the box he has in his hands. It looks familiar.

"Hey," I smile, "what are you doing here so early?"

"Well I knew you were leaving and I wanted to give this back to you," he says handing me the box he had in his hands.

I cock my head to the side in confusion before opening the box. Inside is the scarf I made for Adrien. I look up at him with confusion clearly written on my face. I don't understand why he'd give this back.

"It gets cold in Italy this time of the year," he simply shrugs, "and I thought- I don't know really. It feels selfish to keep it now."

"I got it for you, Adrien," I remind him, "I was fine with you thinking it was from your dad."

"I know," he nods. "Just keep it for your trip."

"Okay," I nod putting the scarf on.

"Mari!" The bakery door opens as Alya urges me out of it, "we're late."

"Crap!" I exclaim quickly turning to Adrien, "I- uh- see you."

I run out with Alya. I may live close but I know that we'll be late if we don't run. Good thing our teacher knows me well enough. She'll probably wait for us.

We run as fast as we can and I don't bother looking back at Adrien. I'm a little confused on why he actually gave me the scarf back. Maybe it was an excuse to see me. Who knows I can't worry about that right now. I don't want to dwell on anything when I'm supposed to be having fun with my friends for a week.

Super hero's don't get days off but I'm not a super hero. Without Tiki I wouldn't be LadyBug. I need a day off. People need days off. Tiki might not be exactly happy with my decision but I am.

"Marionette! Alya!" Nino exclaims as we run up to the busses, "Guys they're here!"

"Sorry!" We apologize to everyone.

We hurry up and give the person in charge of our bags our bags. We're ushered on the crowded bus and immediately look for seats. Nino calls are names and we take the saved seats next to him.

"Are you guys excited?" He asks and we nod eagerly.

"This is going to be great!" I squeal and mean it.

> sorry for the late update but y'all gotta remember I am really invested in school and I can't always update. I've also never had a set update time I either update three times in a week or once in three months <

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