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A large cement fragment comes flying my way. My eyes widen as I realize I don't have time to dodge it. I close my eyes when it's about to hit me but nothing happens.


I open my eyes and see Adrien standing in front of me with his baton out in the air. I also notice the huge cement fragment that was thrown at me is in front of us in millions of prices. I look back at Adrien and see him looking at me with concern.

"That could've been Cat-astrophic," I wink and he burst out laughing.

"Crap! Chat watch out!" I exclaim pretty much tackling him down because another freaking cement fragment is thrown at us.

He smirks at our position so I scoff and get off him. I roll my eyes but offer my hand to him. He takes it still smirking.

"Let's go before they throw another piece," I say turning to the Akuma that popped up a half hour ago.

I was just getting out of school when Adrien texted me saying that there was an Akuma near the Eiffel Tower. I ran to the nearest alley and transform and was by Chat's side in minutes. This Akuma just seems like a destructive fellow. He controls plants and there are vines everywhere throwing things and just making a mess.

"I swear if I get a weed whacker from my lucky charm, I'm going to loose it," I tell Chat as we run to a safer place.

"Well, do it fast," he chuckles looking behind us, "I have a feeling we can't hide for long."

"Got it!" I say throwing my yo-yo in the air. "Lucky Charm!"

A long rope lands in my hand and I quickly look around to see how to use it. The vines light up as well as a pole right beside us and I immediately get an idea. I quickly tue the rope on the pole as quickly as I can and tell Chat to distract the evil gardener.

"Hey, Flytrap! Over here!" Chat exclaims running in the opposite direction.

I wait a second for the akuma's attention to be fully on Chat before jumping through the vines. I go over and under a couple times until I get back to the pole. I notice Chat about to get caught and whistle.

The Akuma snaps it's head at me and I quickly pull the rope. The vines I wrapped the rope around are the ones supporting her so when they fall so does she and the Akuma flies out as she lands on her arm.

I quickly catch the moth and set it free. Chat is already by the Akuma victim helping them as I do my little gig of fixing all of the things that was destroyed by the fight. When everything is back to how it was I rush over to Chat.

"Hey are you okay? I didn't mean for you to land on your arm," I tell the poor guy.

"No, it's fine," he assured me as Chat helps him up, "thank you! Both of you!"

"Anytime!" Chat smiles slinging his arm around my neck.

We wave goodbye before walking away to the nearest alley. We're laughing as we de transform. I pull out a thing of cheese and a cookie for Tiki and Plagg.

"So where are you taking me for that date tomorrow?" I ask as we start to walk home.

"It's a surprise," he smirks.

"Promise me you aren't taking me to one of your restaurants with aquariums," I demand and he starts laughing.

"Don't worry," he says after he stops laughing, "I'm not dumb. I know you don't really like that high end stuff."

"Awe you know me so well," I coe hooping his nose before trying to run away.

"Oh that's it!" He exclaims running after me and catching me in seconds.

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