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I didn't know what to think the next day. I didn't understand what he meant and he didn't stay long enough to explain. But, then again, when do I ever understand anything lately?

My walk to school was long. I cant help but thinking that something was so familiar in the way he looked at me. For some moments he didn't look like Chat Noir. He looked like-


I stop and turn my head to look behind me and see the blond walking a couple feet back. It's Chloe who called his name and is walking over to him. The weirdest thing happens next. He ignored her completely. He just walked past without even looking at her.

Then something else weird happened. I gave him a little wave as he got closer. He acknowledge it but then walked right by me. So there I was, the second girl, gaping at the zombie blond walking towards the school gates.

"What was that?" Chloe asks me.

"I don't know," I admit.

"What did you do?" She snaps.

"Nothing!" I exclaim glaring at her, "maybe he got some bad news. Why do you assume it's my fault?"

"Because he's ignoring you!" She says and something clicks in my brain.

"Oh no," I mumble.

Chat told him I pitied him. That's all I can think of that could cause him to ignore me. What did I do?

Chloe says something but I walk away in the middle of her sentence. I need to find him. Tiki pokes her head out of my purse and tells me that he went straight to his locker. I don't know how she knows that but I trust her and head straight inside.


Dang it!

I stop and turn to Alya. She smiles at me sweetly as she eggs me over. I can never resist her charm. That's the one charm that I can't stand in Alya sometimes. I just have to see what she wants.

"Someone sent me a video last night," she winks showing her phone, "look who's window Chat Noir is crawling into."

"Oh no," I mumble taking the phone to see the video.

"Are you guys dating now or something?" She asks and I shake my head vigorously.

"God, no," I say, "he just needed to talk to me about something."

"Talk?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop!" I say starting to laugh a bit. "It wasn't like that."

"Sure," she chuckles.

"Stop! I'm serious," I tell her but it sounds fake with my laugh.

"Did he tell you he loved you?" She coes.

"Stop!" I say again.

"Come on, Mari! Tell me the deeds," she insists.

"No," I chuckle, "I have to go."

"What why?" She pouts.

"The bell is about to ring. We're going to be late," I tell her.

"Okay, okay," she smirks leading me to my locker. She waits a few minutes when we get there before speaking up again, "we'll talk about it later," she mumbles before jogging away.

"Alya!" I call after her grabbing my books really quick before running after her.

I caught up to her as we reached the door. We were laughing at nothing as we walked in the room. Luckily, for us the bell rang after we walked inside. I felt so happy for a second laughing with Alya but then I saw him. Adrien was writing in his notebook or maybe he was drawing like Alya said he does.

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