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"Do you think he'll actually come, Tiki?" I ask finishing up some of my homework before Chat Noir comes by in a little bit.

"He said he would," she assures me.

"Do you think he's actually good at math?" I ask her obviously distracting myself from the last couple of problems.

"Yes, Marinette," she chuckles, "finish your homework."

"I'm just saying I'm pretty amazing and he could have alternative motives," I tell her and she starts laughing with me.

"There might be alternative motives but not that," she chuckles sitting down in front of my work book. "You should finish these last problems before Chat gets here. You don't know how long he'll stay so your other homework should be done first."

"Okay," I nod doing just what she said.

It takes me ten minutes before I finish the last of my problems. There's a slight knock on my window when I'm putting my work away. I set everything down and unlatch the window just for Chat to slide through.

"You know I have a door on the balcony right?" I ask amused as he dives into my room.

"Yes I do know but this way is more fun," he assures me taking a seat on the ground easily. He looks around my room smiling at some things. "Your room is cute."

"Thanks?" I ask. "So how are we going to do this?"

"Oh right," he chuckles, "get your math books."

"Okay," I nod doing just what he said before sitting in front of him. "Have you ever tutored someone before?"

"As Chat Noir, no. As the person I am usually, no," he admits making me chuckle.

"So why'd you decide to tutor me then?" I ask.

"Well if you asked your crush you'd get distracted," he jokes and I roll my eyes. "I thought I'd help, Princess."

"Thanks," I smile opening my book. "I really need help with the formulas."

"Are you having trouble memorizing them?" He asks and I nod. He gets comfortable setting my things down the way he likes before saying, "So you never told me your crush."

"Well it's not one of my problems in math," I tell him with a smirk.

"Fair enough," he chuckles, "let's get to work, shall we?"


"I'm passing back your tests from yesterday. I'm really proud of some of you and not so much about the rest," the teacher says starting to pass back the tests.

"How do you think you did?" Alya asks.

"I got a tutor Tuesday so hopefully somewhat better than my other grades," I answer.

"Who's your tutor? Is he cute?" She asks and I let out a small chuckle.

"As cute as a kitten," I say laughing to myself.

The teacher reaches Adrien and Nino. She smiles at Adrien but shakes her head at Nino as she gives them their papers. She reaches me and Alya and actually doesn't frown at me like she usually does.

"Good job, Marinette," she praises handing me my paper.

I almost gasp at the grade. It's one point away from an A-. Chat Noir actually helped me get a good grade. I'll have to thank him later.

Tuesday he was making math seem somewhat interesting with all his jokes. I thought he was messing around through most of the time he was there but I guess he really did help. He got my grade up ten points.

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