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Ignoring the lesson I doodle in my book. She's just reviewing the lesson she taught yesterday. I understand it quite well so I don't care that much. Science was always a strong subject for me.

"What are you drawing?" Alya whispers.

"A new outfit," I admit.

"Can I see?" She asks making grabby hands at it.

"It's not done," I whine pushing it out of her reach.

"Everyone get into partners. I'll pass out the packet when you're all situated," the teacher says.

"Alya?" Nino asks and she nods right away gathering her stuff.

I frown but shrug it off. Adrien turns to me with a smile but immediately frowns when a single voice calls out his name. My eyes roll back the moment I see her.

"Adrikins! Want to be partners?" Chloe asks roping her arms around his neck affectionally.

"Uh," he looks at me practically asking me for help, "I don't-"

"Adrien already asked me," I lie.

"Ugh, fine," Chloe says glaring at me. She turns back to Adrien with a smile. "If you need better company there's always room for you at my desk."

She flicks her hair as she turns to leave. My head starts to hurt at how hard I roll my eyes. She can't be serious. Can't she tell that Adrien doesn't like her? He was literally pushing her off him. At least Adrien likes me as a friend. I mean I think he does.

"Thank you," he smiles at me getting up and sitting next to me.

"N-No problem, Adrikins," I joke.

"Ha ha very funny," he says in a monotone handing me the stack of packets that we are supposed to pass back to everyone.

"I-I think I like it," I admit and he seems to glare at me, "not-not Adrikins. Don't worry. G-god I wouldn't do th-that to you. I mean like a n-nickname."

"Yeah?" He asks smiling at my rambling, "like what?" He's laughing at me now.

"Don't l-laugh," I blush.

"Come on tell me," he pleads.

"Y-you call me Mari. Why-Why don't I call you Adri?" I suggest.

"Adri?" He asks taking a second to think about it. "I like it."

"C-Cool," I smile.

He smiles back at me and suddenly we seem really close. My heart begins to race but I don't do anything about it. I turn my head down to the packet. I probably shouldn't of but I couldn't handle what could've happened after it.

Remember your plan, Marinette!

"Uh...." he starts looking at the packet too, "do you understand this because I do not."

"Y-yeah," I nod getting my pencil out. "What-what don't you understand?"

"I'm just not really good with the whole electron orbital thing," he tells me.

"Okay, h-hold on," I mumble flipping through my notebook for a blank page to draw on.

"Woah! Wait!" He calls grabbing my notebook from me. He flips through the pages smiling. "Are these yours?"

"Um y-yeah," I flush trying to grab my notebook back.

It's one thing to draw clothes and have your best friend look at them than to have your crush looking at them. He probably hates them. His father is a fashion designer, Adrien most likely is looking at them like they're trash.

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