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> Sorry for the wait. I hope I didn't lose anyone •~•....
if you're still here comment something for me pls  <

We walked all the way to the Eiffel Tower before Adrien actually said anything. It wasn't even an answer. He rambled on about stupid things for a couple minutes like cats and cheese.

"Adrien why are you avoiding my question?" I interrupt him.

We stop walking right under the Eiffel Tower. He turns to face me as I look up at the metal. I always thought it looked so amazing from underneath. I really understand why so many people come to France.

"You were being so sweet like you always are," he starts drawing my attention back to him.

"You took it back," I remind him with a frown.

That's the thing that always confused me the most in this situation. Why kiss me if he didn't mean it? Why mess with my feelings when he knew I liked him?

"I didn't think you wanted me to kiss you," he admits, "You didn't really say anything."

"I was surprised, Adrien," I defend. "Wasn't our whole fight because you knew I liked you?" I ask letting out a small laugh.

"I guess I didn't really think that through huh?" He chuckles running his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, Marionette."

"Do- Do you like me?" I ask with a little hope added in there.

I know I told myself in the beginning to stop thinking there was ever a chance but I can't help it anymore. It all changed that day, my mindset, my routine, and my will power.

"I happen to be torn between two people right now," he admits frowning at his feet, "they're both not really talking to me."

"Ladybug?" I ask.

"Yeah, Ladybug," he nods up at me sadly. I watch him nervously look back down at his hands, "and you."

There it is. The thing I've been dreaming for him to say since day one. He likes me and not just for my alter ego. Adrien Agreste actually likes me. The real question now is if I should tell him I'm Ladybug or not.

"And me?" I ask smiling like crazy.

My train of thought is going crazy. I have so many questions on one side of my head while the other side is squealing because my crush, for the past year, finally said he liked me. Right now the fangirl side of me is winning control.

"Yes," he blushes looking down at the ground even more.

Awe he's so cute when he's embarrassed. He honestly shouldn't be. I do like him. I just don't like what he did.

"You know I've been meaning to tell you something," I spit out.

Damn. I'm going to have to tell him I'm Ladybug now. I mean unless I find something else to tell him, I have to go with the Ladybug thing. I could tell him some stupid trivia fact. Like how 3% of glaciers in Antarctica are made up of penguin pee..... then again maybe I shouldn't.

"And what would that be?" He asks looking up at me again with his bright green eyes and red cheeks.

That look. That one look makes me want to tell him everything. Like not just what I'm thinking. I mean social security everything. That's the look that first got me hooked.

"You wanted me to tell you who I was so we could walk around the Eiffel Tower right?" I ask hoping he'll remember our conversation from weeks ago, "Here we are," I mumble gesturing to our surroundings a little awkwardly now.

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