Chapter 9

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(Your POV)

I texted in the group chat Bryce made for Luke, Ryan, and I.


(Luke) - What why?


(Ryan) - Alright on my way!

(Bryce) - Be there soon!

(Luke) - Coming.

I was so stressed.

Evan can't be part of The Creeps. I thought.

I then remember what they said earlier about the gang. I waited until the guys get to my house.

Honey your friends are here! My mom yelled to me.

Coming. I yelled back.

I ran downstairs and saw them standing in the living room. 

Come on it's very important. I said motioning them over to me.

I ran back up the stairs and the guys behind me. I opened my door to my room and walked inside. Luke closed the door behind him since he was the last person to walk in. The guys sat on the floor next to me. I put my laptop on my lap and reopened the e-mail and everyone froze.

No way! Luke said.

I couldn't believe it either. I said.

Who else is in there? Bryce asked.

I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it. I said.

I scrolled down and Jonathan was the next picture.

No Jon would never. Luke said.

I hugged Luke and continued to see the rest of Evan's gang.

I don't understand why would they do this to our gang? Bryce asked.

I don't know but this has been going on for a while now. When my parents had friends in high school which were former members of this gang. They came across another gang that started to hate them. Soon enough they started to fight with each other. My parents and the gang's parents went on missions to eliminate or make the other gang stop. They never did find out why they hated us until a year before they were eliminated. After they were eliminate ten years or so ago their children took their places and same went for our gang. I explained.

Wow that's a lot. Ryan said.

I know but the one thing is that out parent's never told us why The Creeps' former members hated us. I said.

*Sighs* What are we gonna do? Bryce asked.

I closed my laptop and put it on my bed. I got up and stood in the middle of the room.

I have a feeling that they didn't see your faces the other day. We might have a chance to trap them in a corner but we can't give away our covers. I said.

Wait I have an idea what if we walk home with them one day. Then have your gang jump them. Luke said.

Hmm that's a good idea and I'll tell Chilled about it. He can make some changes and add somethings. I said.

Ok but what about the guys? Ryan asked.

Keep an eye on them but don't act suspicious or they'll catch on. I said.

Got it we'll keep that in mind. Ryan said getting up.

We should head home now see you later (Y/N). Bryce said.

See you guys. I said as they walked downstairs.

I watched them walk out the door.

Hey mom! I said.

Yes sweetie what do you need? She said.

Can I leave and see Chilled? I asked.

Sure just be back before your curfew. My mom said.

I grabbed my phone and walked towards the house. I called Minx and told her I would be there in a few minutes. I reached the house and rang the bell. Max answered the door and he brought me inside.

Hey (Y/N) what brings you here? Jack asked.

Well....... let's just say one of our new members had a great idea. I said with a smirk.

What is it? Jack asked.

Oh it's so good you can't turn it down. I said.

I had everyone come into the same room we were in the other day. I explained the plan that Luke told me.

That's the best plan I've heard since we got here. Nanners said.

It's a good plan but how are we going to jump all of them without anyone else seeing? Chilled said.

That's what I was thinking. I said.

I know we could spy on them and have you convince them to follow you home. When we do that we can jump them and kidnap the. Once we kidnap them we can send a threat to them. Minx said.

Perfect but what should the threat be? Chilled said.

I know you guys can say something about kidnapping me or something like that since they all like me. I said.

That's good but how do you know they like you? Mark asked.

During the time before homeroom I heard them talk about me and how they all like me. They also said something about running away with me and making me a part of their gang. I said.

Great now we can have you get some information from them. Tell our new member that they had a great plan. Chilled said.

I thought you hated them. I said.

What you talking about. Chilled said jokingly.

Heh anyways I have to good before my curfew comes. I said.

Alright we'll call you and tell you about any changes and Max you can spy on the gang during the school hours around the morning, lunch, and end of the school. Chilled said.

Alright talk to you guys later. I said walking towards the door.

Bye (Y/N) we'll talk to you later. Max said.

I walked home quickly and quietly. I opened the door and saw my parents on the couch watching TV. My dad heard the door open and turned his head to look at me.

Hello (Y/N) I see your back. My dad said.

Yeah just a new plan that I had to explain to the gang. I said.

That's our little girl. My dad said.

You should go get some sleep. My mom said.

Ok goodnight mom and dad. I said.

Goodnight sweetie. They both said.

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