Chapter 45

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*A Week Later*

(Your POV)

It's been a few days now. Chilled and I have been watching our little sister for our parents. She's such a handful but we love her. My parents had to go on an "important business trip." Either way it's a great way for Chilled and I to spend time with our little sister.

(Y/N) where the fu- hell is the baby powder? Chilled shouted.

Oh and I've been forcing him to not curse. Along with the other guys I made a swear jar and every time someone curses they have to put a dollar into the jar.

It's in the bottom cabinet of the desk in Lily's room! I shout back.

Thanks! Chilled said.

I start to finish up making Lily's baby bottle when Evan walks into the room.

Yo (Y/N). Evan said.

Sup Evan. I said.

So anything new? Evan asked.

Nope just chilling with Chilled and taking care of my little sister. I said.

Are you gonna do anything for the month or just be the babysitter for Lily? Evan asked.

I'm sorry Evan but little baby Lily comes first. I said.

Damn it well I tried. Well anyways can I help you with anything? Evan said.

Yeah can you change Lily's diaper? I asked.

Nope see you later. Evan said.

I let out a chuckle and walk off to give Lily her bottle. I find Chilled and Lily in her room. Chilled is throwing away her used diaper while Lily is laughing.

Alright Lily here's your bottle. I said.

Chilled took the bottle from my hands and fed it to Lily.

Hey why can't I feed her for once? I asked.

Cause I'm more experienced. Who do you think took care of you when you were a baby? Chilled said.

Nanners. I said.

No it was me. Chilled said.

I'm pretty sure it was Nanners. I said.

Enough anyways like I said I'm more experienced. Chilled said.

Alright but you've got to teach me how to care for a baby since I'll be by myself at times. I said.

Fine I'll teach you later now go get some rest. Chilled said.

Why? I whine.

Because you've been up all night with me caring for this little one. Chilled said.

Fine. I groan.

I walk out of Lily's room and downstairs. I hopped on the couch and started to fall asleep. Man caring for a child is hard fucking work.

(Chilled's POV) 

Once Lily was done with her bottle she started to cry. Why is she crying? I try to think what haven't I done yet.

Uhh I changed your diaper, fed you, and you just got up from your nap. What else do you need? I said.

Ok what do I do? I don't know what I'm missing. Maybe she just needs to be walked around the house to calm down or something. I walk out of Lily's room and downstairs to see (Y/N) passed out on the couch. I start to walk passed her and Lily calms down a bit.

Hmm that was quick. I said.

I was starting to walk away when Lily started to cry again. I was kinda in shock what the heck is going on. I start to walk back in the direction of (Y/N) and Lily calms down.

Wait a second. You want to be near (Y/N) don't you? I said.

I walk over to (Y/N) and sit down next to her. She's sleeping peacefully on the couch. Lily grabs bits of her hair and play with it.

Uhh what are you doing silly? I said.

Gah. Lily said.

I laugh a bit and let her play with (Y/N)'s hair. I kinda felt a bit tired but I tried my best to power though it. But eventaully fall asleep.

*A couple hours later*

(Evan's POV)

I walk into the living room to see (Y/N), Chilled, and Lily sleeping on the couch. (Y/N) was laying on the couch with her one arm wrapped around Lily. Chilled was sitting up and had another arm wrapped around Lily. Lily had (Y/N)'s hair in her grasp while she was sleeping.

Aww so cute. I said.

I took my phone out and snapped a picture of them. I sent it to everyone in the group chat and they went absolutely nuts. Soon some of the guys came out of their rooms and started staring at them.

Aww their so cute together. Mini said.

I know this is the good thing about kids their so freaking cute. Moo said.

Then all of a sudden (Y/N) falls off the couch and basically has a panic attack trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Uhh (Y/N) you ok? I asked.

Uhh I think so maybe some more brain damage but I'm good I think. (Y/N) said.

Alrighty then. I said.

(Y/N) gets off the floor and walks over to us. She looks kinda refreshed at the same time tired.

So what happened while I was asleep? (Y/N) asked.

This happened. I said while showing her the picture.

Aww we looked so cute together. (Y/N) said.

How can you be so cute? Mini asked.

Why you like this? Mark said.

It's just who I am but different. (Y/N) said.

I think it's that your just naturally cute all the time. I said.

Aww thanks Evan. (Y/N) said.

Soon after Chilled and Lily woke up. (Y/N) carried Lily while Chilled went off to use the bathroom. (Y/N) looked kinda like a mom holding her child.  I wonder what her kids would look like maybe they'll be as cute as her.

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