Chapter 22

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(Your POV)

(Y/N) wake up. Sark said.

Mmm what time is it? I asked.

4:57 in the morning. Sark said.

Why this early thought? I asked.

Cause you have to get ready for the morning, eat breakfast, and make your way to school. Plus it's a longer walk to school from here. Sark said.

Fine I'll be in the bathroom. I said getting up.

I grabbed my bag which was next to the couch. I walked down the hall and went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out of the shower dried off and put my clothes on and put my heist clothes into my bag. I wore a grey tank top, a (F/C) hoodie, a pair of jeans, and my heist boots. I looked down at my wrist and had a cut on it. 

How did I not notice this? I asked myself.

The cut seemed to have opened again and was bleeding. I opened the mirror cabinet and pulled out the disinfecting spray. I sprayed the cut and put banages on it. I then tied banages around it then put my mask around it so it didn't look like I was cutting myself. I walked out of the bathroom. Sark had already made breakfast and Goldy and Slam were already eating. I sat down and ate my breakfast and then left their house so I could go home and get my stuff for school. Luckily today was Friday so I didn't have to worry about being harassed for the week. I walked into my house and saw my parents were still asleep. I quietly made my way to my room and placed my bag down and grabbed my school bag. I walk downstairs and close the door behind me. 

Maybe I should go get a coffee since it's still early. I thought.

I walked towards the school but the gate to the school wasn't open yet. So I walked down the street and walked into the Starbucks.

I ordered my coffee and sat down at a nearby table. I flipped my hoodie up and took my phone out looked at Twitter. After a few minutes my coffee came so I got it and walked out the door. I bumped into a guy but I could've swore it looked like Craig. I walked back up the street to school. The gate was open and so I walked inside. I went over to my locker and got my stuff. When I was done I closed my locker and waited for something to happen. Then my phone went off. I pulled out my phone and saw it was Chilled calling me.

(You) - Sup?

(Chilled) - How was it yesterday?

(You) - Well everything went well until......

(Chilled) - Uggggggggggghhhhhhh until what?

(You) - Until Jon got pushed which scared me and I fell off the building but grabbed the ledge. Jon ran over to help me but Evan pushed him. I grabbed him but he was weighing me down. Then Evan stepped on my fingers and we fell but Jon grabbed a ledge and we got a little cuts. Then Evan realize what he did and after David, Brian, and Marcel pulled us back up. I ran away towards Sark's house and he let me in and I stayed the night there. 

(Chilled) - Ok at least you weren't hurt bad. Did anything happen at Sark's place?

(You) - *kid voice* Yes Goldy sprayed me with a disinfection spray and it hurt. 

(Chilled) - Well I'll tell him he's in timeout talk to you later knuckle head.

(You) - Bye bye.

I ended the call and walked off to find Bryce, Ryan, or Luke. I walked down to the library to see if they were there. I opened the library doors and saw no one but I found a book on one of the tables. I walked over to it and picked it up it didn't have a title or author. I opened the book and saw pictures no drawings that someone made. I continued to look at the drawings and found a note on the next page of the drawings.

This is a drawing of one is my first friends (Y/N) when we were 9. This was one of our greatest fights ever. We fought to keep our turf safe from a stupid gang of boys. I was amazed at the end we beat all of them. 

I smile at the little picture then realize the girl was me and the boy was Luke. I close the book and took it with me. I walk out of the library and try to find Luke. I walk around the school and see Bryce and Ryan. I make my way over to them.

Hey guys. I said.

Oh hey (Y/N). Ryan said.

What happened to your face? Bryce asked.

It was a small problem in the you know what. But I was wondering if you saw Luke I think this is his. I said.

Umm I think Luke is on his way here. Ryan said.

Alright that's good to hear. I said.

We talked a little and waited for Luke. When Luke got to the school I hid the book behind my back.

Hey guys! Luke said.

Sup Luke I go a surprise for you. I said.

Oooooo what is it? Luke asked.

Well I found this in the library and I think this is your's. I said as I pulled the book out from behind my back.

Hmm? Luke hummed as I handed him the book.

Luke opened the book and his eyes widened.

So old friend this is a good drawing. I said.

Luke looked at me and smiled.

Oh my god (Y/N) I can't believe it your here and I how do I even express how happy I am. Luke said.

By giving your old friend a hug. I said.

Luke then picked me up in a hug. I giggled a little and after our hug we separated to go to homeroom. I walked into the class seeing that Brock wasn't there. As I waited for him to show up the class went by. I was kinda sad that Brock wasn't in the class. But maybe I might see the others during the day.

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