Chapter 38

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(Your POV)

I woke up the next day to someone banging on my door. I got out of bed and opened my door. Chilled was standing there with a letter in his hand.

Chilled what the fuck do you want it's like 9 in the morning. I said.

Read this. Chilled said.

Dear Residents of Los Santos,

We have news that in one week there will be a storm coming to Los Santos. All Residents are to be prepared if a storm does hit please have the following in your household: a weeks worth of food, clean water, flash lights, batteries, and blankets. We are sorry for having this letter arrive on such short notice.


What?!? Wait why the fuck a letter of all things? I asked.

I don't know but we have to be prepared. Chilled said.

Ok we have a week we can do this. I said.

I walked back into my room and went into my closet. I grabbed a (F/C) long sleeve that had the words Determination on it, a pair of black leggings, and a (F/C) hoodie. I went into my bathroom and took a shower then changed into my clothes. I slid downstairs and saw the guys rushing around getting stuff prepared for the storm. I walk into the kitchen and see a plate of food on the counter. There's a sticky note next to the plate.

For (Y/N)

-Love Chilled

I smiled a bit then started to eat my breakfast. I finished my breakfast and walked off towards the couch.

Hey (Y/N) can you come to the store with me to buy so batteries? Lui asked.

Sure thing I'll take Shadow with us. I said.

I grabbed Shadow's vest and put it on him. Lui and I walked out the front door with Shadow. We started down the road.

So are you gonna be ok during the storm our are you gonna have to sleep with me? I asked.

I think I want to power thought it. Lui said.

Ok but you know where my room is during the storm. I said.

A van parked next to us and two guys got out.

H-Hey. I said as one guy grabbed me.

I let go of Shadow's leash and he attacked the guy. The guy kicked Shadow into a bush. I tried to fight back but my hands got cuffed.

Let go of her. Lui said.

The other guy pulled a gun and shot Lui right in the leg. Lui fell to the fell screaming in pain. The other guy then opened the back of the van and the guy holding me throw me in it. I landed on someone but I didn't care I tried to get out but the doors closed and the van sped off.

(Lui's POV)

(Y/N)! I screamed as the van sped off.

Tears fell from my eyes as the only person I was to protect was taken away. Shadow crawled out of the bush and ran over to me.

S-Shadow run home a-and get the guys. I said

Shadow ran back in the direction of home as fast as his little paws could go.

T-this is all m-my f-fault. I said as tear fell down to the ground.

(Brock's POV)

I was leaning against the window relaxing when all of a sudden I hear a dog barking. I look out the window and see Shadow at the gate of the house but (Y/N) and Lui are nowhere to be seen. I burst the door open and run up to the gate and let Shadow in.

What is it boy what happened? I asked.

Shadow starts to whine which I think is something bad. I ran back inside and grabbed my first aid kit. I then ran back outside to see Shadow waiting for me. He starts to run back down the road and I follow him. As we go farther down the street I see someone on the ground. As we get closer I see it's Lui and he's holding his leg.

Lui! I shouted.

He looked at me with tears streaming down his face. We finally got to Lui and Shadow went lay down next to Lui. I quickly got to work on his leg.

Lui what happened where's (Y/N)? I asked.

They took her t-they took her and it's all my fault. Lui said.

Who took her? I asked as I cut a hole in Lui's pant's so I could bandage it faster.

Two guys they grabbed her and I tried to help but they shot me. It's all my fucking fault I could've throw a punch but I didn't. Lui said.

Stop beating yourself up over it. It's not your fault. I said.

Yes it is I could have done something but I didn't I fucking stood there like a little bitch and did nothing but speak. Lui said.

Come on we need to get home maybe we can find her. I said.

How? Lui asked.

I don't know but we got to tell the guys as soon as possible. I said.

At this point I'm in tears learning the news from Lui. I picked Lui up and placed him on my back. Then Shadow and I ran back to the house as fast as we could. We made it to the house and the guys were standing there at the door.

Brock what happened, where's (Y/N), and what happened to Lui? Chilled asked.

Some guys took her and they shot Lui. I said.

It's all my fault I could have done something I didn't do shit. Lui said.

Stop it Lui it's not your fault. I said.

We have to find her NOW! Mark said.

(Your POV)

This van took a lot of turns so many that I lost track of how many they took. The guy I fell on early was a guy who got kidnapped to or I think so he had handcuffs on and he was unconscious. He wore a white shirt, a pair of black sweatpants and a pair of 3-D glasses. Now we were on a long stretch of road which probably was a highway. I sat there across from the guy and I started to cry.

Why me? I thought.

Lui was hurt and now it's all my fault. I can't even believe I'm stuck here in a random stranger's van and now could be half way across the country.

Ugh. The guy across from me groaned.

I ignored him as I continued to cry into my lap. Then I felt a pair of arms around me.

H-hey I might not know you but I don't like to see a girl cry. He said.

What's the point for all I know I'm miles away from my family. I said as I wiped away my tears.

I know how you feel I was recently taken away from my family too. The guys said.

I'm so sorry. I said.

It's alright. He said.

S-so what's your name? I asked.

My name is Smiity what's yours? The guy said.

My name is (Y/N). I said.

Well (Y/N) we're gonna find a way out of this alive. Smiity said.

(A/N) Quick A/N my fucking life just hates me right now. Sorry for anyone who was desperately waiting for a new chapter. If it takes me this long to post a chapter keep a note in the back of your mind that says She's got fucking school work still and can't multi task.

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