Chapter 47

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(Your POV)

I started to wake up from my nap. I felt pretty good that's probably been the best nap in a while. I open my eyes to see Chilled and others hovering over Lily, Jon, and I. Aww shit.

Uhh I can explain. I said.

Uhh you and Jon are gonna explain what happened while we were gone. Chilled said.

Ugh! I groan.

Jon then woke up next to me. He let out a little groan then looked around the room to see everyone in the room with us.

Uhh morning? Jon said.

I pretty sure it's not morning Jon. Evan said.

Damn it we've been caught haven't we. Jon said.

I was about to say yes when all of a sudden I remember the patio. I pick up Lily and get up off the couch. Then I push passed the guys and book it to the patio.

See you later idiots! I shout as I open the patio doors and jumped over the railing.

I land on the wall surrounding the house and keeping Lily in my grasp. I see the guys run onto the patio and look down at me.

You little... Nanners said.

Catch me if you can fuckers! Jon shouted from the inside.

Swear jar! I said.

I walk down the wall keeping my balance so Lily and I wouldn't fall. Lily started to giggle while we walked down the wall. I sat down on the wall and held Lily out so I could see her face.

Wasn't that fun Lily? I bet when you get older you'd love doing that. I said.

Lily grabbed my hair and pulled at it.

I'll take that as a yes. I said.

Lily laughed then I feel something hit my feet. I look down to see Jon in Evan's grasp trying to break free.

What happened Jon you got caught? I asked.

Noooo I'm as free as a bird. Of course I got caught no one told me someone would be hiding in your closet. Jon said.

I let out a giggle and hop off the wall.

I surrender now let's go and clean up the mess. I said.

We all start to walk inside until I hear a helecoter. Something didn't seem right it sounded different then a normal everyday helecoter that flies over your house. I turn around and see an attack helecoter.

Chilled. I said.

Yeah. Chilled said.

He turned around and saw the helecoter. His whole body froze.

Get your guns NOW! Chilled shouted.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I ran inside for cover while the guys tried to shoot down the helecoter. Lily started to cry as I ran. The front doors then burst open to reveal guys that were dressed in black.

Shit. I said.

I stopped and changed my direction to the other one. But that didn't matter cause guys dressed in the same clothing were coming at us. I trapped and couldn't do anything.

Not so fast little Missy. A guy said.

I was swiftly thrown over a guy's shoulder. It happened so fast that I couldn't even react. They ran with me out of the house and to the attack helecoter.

Chilled! I yelled.

I saw him look at me and his face went to complete anger.

Give her back! Chilled shouted.

I heard gun shots go off and some of the men who kidnapped me dropped to the ground. I was forcefully thrown into the helecoter. The helecoter then took off. Then I noticed Lily was still in my grasp. I hid her in my jacket and tucked my jacket into my pants so she would slip out. I zipped up my jacket just before someone noticed Lily was there. The helecoter doors closed and a man walked over to me.

Well hello young lady. The man said.

Who are you and why did you kidnap me. I said.

Please oh please Lily don't cry I thought. The man came closer to me and leaned over.

Oh well my name will stay a secret until you find out. But I kidnapped you because your Vanoss's bitch. You care about him a lot. I can tell from the time you saved his live. We want revenge on him for what he did. So you'll be used to trade you off for Vanoss. The man said.

I was in total shock. Then the man walked over to two men.

Put her in a crate so she doesn't get any smart ideas. The man said.

The two men then came over to me and dragged me away over to a crate. They throw me in it and closed it off. They then nailed it down just so I couldn't get out. There was a little hole on the side of the crate. The light from outside the hole seemed though and showed me what was inside this crate.

What in the hell just happened. I whispered.

Lily whimper a bit. I unzipped my jacket and took her out. I rocked her the best I could so she wouldn't cry.

Don't worry Lily everything will be ok. Don't worry. I whisper.

Lily looked to be on the verge of crying. I tried frantically to find a way to calm her down. Then I remembered she loves my hair. I grabbed a section of my hair and held it out to Lily. She saw it and grabbed it. She calmed down and played with my hair. I look around the crate and see boxes of non perishable foods.

I swear to God if I have to survive in here I will fucking kill one of these fuckers. I whispered.

I looked out of the hole and saw the metal walls of the helecoter.

Don't worry I'll protect you with my life. I promise that I'll keep you safe. I said.

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