Chapter 42

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*Play the video soon*
(???'s POV)

When do you think she'll find out?

I don't know but she will eventaully find out.

When will that happen?

I think soon then we thought.

What do you me- oh no please don't tell me it's gonna happen now.

(Your POV)

I wake up the next morning pretty early. I stretch out my body. Shadow stretches out too and jumps off the bed. I get out of bed and pet Shadow.

Good morning. I said.

I walk out of my room and downstairs. Shadow following right behind me. I wasn't hungry or did I need to use the bathroom. I find my phone laying on one of the tables and pick it up. I unlock it and walk into the kitchen. I see two pans sitting on the counter by the sink. The pans are clean and dry. Then an idea pops into my mind and a smirk appears on my face.

Hey Shadow wanna prank the guys? I asked.

Shadow gives me a weak bark.

I'll take that as a yes. I said.

I grab the pans and walk into the living room. I look around the room trying to find a good place to hide.

Hmm hey Shadow where should I hide? I ask Shadow.

Shadow runs over to the book case where there's the room to the secret entrance to the garage.

Ah perfect. Well here goes nothing. I said.

*Play the video*

I start to bang the pans and shout/laugh thought out the house. Once finished I run over to the book case and open up the entrance. Before I close the door behind me I shout.

Come and find me fuckers! I shout.

I giggled as I closed the door or rather the book case. Seconds later I hear loud footsteps running downstairs.

Where the fuck are you! A angry Nanner Bananer yelled.

I giggle a bit and stop. I hear the guys start to run around the house. I giggle here and there when I hear them leave the room.

When I find you you are so fucking dead! I hear Jon yell.

Hey (Y/N) want some ice cream. Chilled yelled.

I text Chilled my response.

Not work Buddy boy.😝 - (Y/N)

(Chilled) - It was worth a try. Now where the fuck are you!

I giggle a little and quiet down.

I heard a fucking giggle where the fuck are you?!? Mini yelled.

I heard him run into the room and search the room. Their gonna find out better get the escape ready. I open the trapdoor to the garage and hover over it while holding the pans in my hands to throw at them.

I know where she's at! Marcel shouts.

Oh fuck. I whisper.

I hear everyone's footsteps run into room.

Where is she? Evan asked.

In here. Marcel said.

Marcel moves the book case to reveal Shadow and I.

Distraction! I said as I through the pans at them.

Shadows and I then jumped down into the garage and run for our life's.

You bitch! Brian said.

I found the back door and opened it. I shot out it with Shadow right behind me. We both ran out to the yard where the tree is. I climbed the tree while I carried Shadow. We climbed the big ass tree to Jon's window. I opened it and threw Shadow in. I jumped from the branch and climbed in the window. I shut the window and walked over to Jon's door. I opened it and walked out with Shadow quietly bolting down the hall. I follow after him into my room and close the door behind me.

Hah that was fun. I said.

Shadow hopped on my bed and lay down. My phone then went off. I answer it and to my surprise I 's my mom.

(Y/N) - Yoo what's up?

(Mom) - Hi sweetheart

(Y/N) - Oh mom I didn't think you would be up this early.

(Mom) - Well I love getting up early.

(Y/N) - Umm ok something's up your never up early unless something happened.

(Mom) - Oh nothing is up.

(Y/N) - Mom I can see though your lies tell me what's wrong.

(Mom) - Well you see the thing is... I'm in the....

(Y/N) - Spit it out mom what's wrong where are you?

(Mom) - I'm in the hospital.

My heart felt like it just broke into pieces.

(Y/N) - What but how? What happened, where's dad, is everything going to be ok?

(Mom) - (Y/N) don't worry everything will be fine.

(Y/N) - Then why are you in the hospital?

(Mom) - I was pregnant.

Everything just stopped. I could feel everything around me going cold. My own mother pregnant or was pregnant. And she kept this hidden from me.

(Y/N) - Your joking. You have to be joking. How we're you pregnant? There was no way. I should have gotten a clue or something how in the fucking world did you become pregnant.

(Mom) - Your father and I made this decision way before we knew about the move. We wanted to surprise you but that's when the move came into play. While you were helping dad with the paperwork I was secretly keeping this from you.

(Y/N) - But why keep this a secret from me?

(Mom) - Because I wanted to surprise you.

(Y/N) - Well can I at least know what gender the baby is.

(Mom) - It's a girl and her name is Lily.

(Y/N) - Well now you surprised me got anything else up your sleeve?

(Mom) - Yes and this one is important too.

(Y/N) - Well spit it out.

(Mom) - This one has only been kept between your father and I. And this one I regret from the beginning.

(Y/N) - What is it your killing me here.

I heard my room door open as my mom said this.

(Mom) - You have a older brother.

My eyes widen and I drop my phone out of my hand.

(Dun dun duuuuuun! Well that's it for this chapter. So I've probably got to explain to y'all why there wasn't a chapter this Wednesday. *Laughs nervously* I got sick. So that day I had to go to a competition. After the competition I went home and felt horrible. Turns out after finishing my homework I had a 104 fever and my  post nasal drip wasn't helping it. So that night I had no energy and had a headache when ever I lifted up my head. Buuuuut luckily I recovered and is backs on me's feets. Anyways hope you loved this chapter❤️.

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