Chapter 28

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(Your POV)

Everything was dark and I couldn't feel or see anything. I tried to talk but when I opened my mouth it hurt.

Hello (Y/N). A voice said.

I looked around and saw no one.

You can't see me but I'm here tell you something. The voice said.

I stop looking around and get ready to hear what the voice wants to say.

I'm here to tell you that you have a new mission. You must fix Evan your friend. The voice said.

My expression goes from confused and why I'm here to what do I have to do now.

Yes you have to fix Evan ever since his parents died he's been acting more like his father. He's been doing this for so long that his body has it programmed into his brain. You must find a way to delete it and save Evan before he fully turns into his father. The voice said.

I stood there with a what-the-fuck expression on. I have to save Evan but how he's so stubborn. He must lose control of his emotions then but he can control them at times. 

You can do it (Y/N) I believe in you. The voice said.

Then a beam of light shined and everything went quiet.

My eyes were closed and tired. I kept thinking open your eyes. I then forced myself to open my eyes. I immediately closed them because of the light. I opened them slowly and let the adjust to the light. I look around the room and see I'm in the nurse's office or the private room for a sleeping patience. No one is in the room with me. I then force myself to sit up. I sat up and looked around and tried to speak. It hurt to speak it must be from Evan squeezing my neck that bastard.

I look around and notice it's a little to quiet. I looked at the time and saw it was 2:37. Classes are still going on. I move my legs off the bed and sit up straight. I stand up and walk over to the door stumbling a little. I turn the doorknob and open the door with a creak coming from the door. The nurse turned her attention to me and got up from her desk.

(Y/N) your up thank god you've been out for the whole day. The nurse said.

I tried to speak but I couldn't it really stressed my voice.

Oh sweetie try not to speak. Here take this. The nurse said.

She handed me a whiteboard and a erasable marker. I took the them and wrote down a message.

Why can't I speak? I wrote. 

You must of stressed your vocal cords that they are now swore. The nurse said

I erased the message with my hand and wrote down a new one. 

 Where is Bryce? I wrote down.

Bryce? His parents came by and picked him up after lunch was over. The nurse said.

I erased the message on the board and sat down in a nearby chair.

I have to run some tests on you (Y/N) but it'll be over in no time. Then afterwards I'll give you tea to sooth your throat The nurse said.

I nod my head and she starts the tests. When the test were over she told me I had a really sore throat. I can't speak or I might possibly lose my voice for a even longer period of time. The nurse got me a cup of tea which was very good. I stare down at the tea in my cup trying to understand what that voice wants me to do. I don't know how to help Evan. 

(Y/N)? The nurse asked.

Yes. I wrote on the white board.

Your parents called and said your going to go home with a friend. The nurse said.

Ok. I wrote.

There was a knock at the door and the nurse walked over and answered the door.

I took a sip of my tea then placed the empty cup on the small table next to me. Then I look up to see Jon and the others.

Hi guy. I wrote down.

They looked at me in confusion then they realized why I was writing on the white board.

(Y/N) who is going to take you home? The nurse asked.

Jon. I wrote.

Alright Jonathan please grab (Y/N)'s stuff and leave. The nurse said.

Jon grabs my bag and I stand up and follow him leaving the nurse's white board behind.

So (Y/N) you really can't talk. Tyler said.

I nod my head.

You've got to be kidding we just got you talking again and now you can't. Luke said.

I sigh and look to the ground.

Aww come on (Y/N) don't work yourself up over it. Ryan said.

It's not that ugh this is going to be so difficult. Now that I can't speak I have to write everything down. This is a total nightmare.

Well see you guys around. Marcel said.

Everyone one by one left which left Jon and I alone.

So (Y/N) I know this is stupid to ask but why did you call my name when Evan was strangling you and Bryce.

I blush and look away. I take my phone out of my pocket and text Jon.

I called your name because I knew you would have came. - (You)

He looks at the text and blushes a little.

We continued the rest of the way home in silence. When we arrived at my house Jon put my stuff in the house for me.

Hey (Y/N) even though you can't talk just know that everyone will be there to support you. Jon said.

I smiled and took my mask off. I looked at him and smiled.

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